Tag Archives: Women

Man Murders three in Miami

Murdered women in Miami

Murdered women in Miami

A Miami man murdered his former girlfriend and her mother and then during his escape caused a violent car accident, which killed a third woman, after which he committed suicide.

 According to police reports, it all started in a domestic violence incident.  The man apparently shot dead Viviana Gallego, 51, and her daughter Anabel Benitez, 28.

After the accident the gunman, who was surrounded by police, committed suicide

After ending the life of the two women, the gunman took flight at full speed aboard a jeep chased by police.

Finally, after several kilometers of being chased, the alleged murderer’s vehicle violently crashed into another car where a third woman, who was thrown from the vehicle and died almost instantly, stated in the online edition of El Nuevo Herald The police helicopter was able to record images that you see how the terrain of the alleged perpetrator swiftly flowing along a highway, and just crashing at an intersection at the vehicle of the third died.

After the accident the gunman, was surrounded by police, committed suicide, according too local media reports.

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Posted by on 09/19/2013 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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CUERNAVACA, 10 women killed this month!

Her naked body was left on the side of the road in the community of Tres Marias Huitzilac

Ruthless violence against women is taking place in this town and the police are mute about what they are doing to located and apprehend the murderers.

CUERNAVACA, 10 women killed this month!

A woman was killed and her body left on the side of the road from the community of Huitzilac with Tres Marias. So far the body has not been identified and her face was so battered from the beatings that she is unrecognisable. 

The month of October has been one of the most violent in the numbers of murdered women in Morelos. So far, 10 women have lost their lives in circumstances of violence, however, the local authorities have been stonewalling on gender alerts despite the trend of violence in its entity is against women.

The woman’s body was found about 7 AM in the morning, in one of the ditches that are on the shoulder of the country road, amidst the bushes, also was topless and in lingerie.

A few meters from the lifeless body a patch of blood was found on the ground, while several pieces of her clothes were on one side of the body.

By the time the state authorities released a version of events, they have not provided any information on this finding. Local residents came to the place, but did not identify the clothes or the person lying dead on the ground.

The Office of Morelos took evidence and the body to determine the cause of death and the identity of the person, which will be difficult to identify as the face was battered and disfigured due to the severity of injuries.

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Posted by on 10/29/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico, – Some 480,000 (24%) of the 2 million births each year in Mexico are to mothers aged 14 to 19 years old, informed the Secretariat (Ministry) of Health Mexico.

Besides a pregnancy at such an early age, increases five times the risk of dying during their obstetric care, the deputy director of Sexual and Reproductive Health National Center for Equity, Gender and Reproductive Health of the Health Ministry, Alejandro Solis Roses said in a statement.

“A pregnancy in an adolescent is considered high risk due to the immaturity of their body, so that puts them at risk for preeclampsia or bleeding, conditions that are among the five leading causes of maternal mortality,” said the expert.

He also warned that there are also implications for newborn health, such as low weight, lung immaturity and temperature control problems, situations threatening the baby’s life.

In the long term consequences of early pregnancy is that many young people see their life project frustrated by having to leave school and enter a restricted labor market many times.

The ministry believes that “over 60% of teenage pregnancies were unintended” by couples, many of which do not use condoms or other methods of control.

“The lack of use of a contraceptive method at first intercourse increases the risk of unplanned pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus and HIV / AIDS , “said the agency.

In this situation Roses Solis claimed that enhance information and programs for teenagers.

“We need to talk to our children about sexuality, as it is an essential part of being human. Report a teenager all sexual behavior has an impact is essential to take informed decisions,” the specialist.

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Posted by on 04/09/2012 in Abused Children


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Madrid police catch the pimp barcode gang, signs of ownership

Tattooed on the hands of women controled by bar codes as a sign of your property

hightech pimping in Madrid tatooed barcodes on the hand
hightech pimping in Madrid tatooed barcodes on the hand

Spanish police arrested 22 alleged pimps who allegedly used violence to force women into prostitution and bar codes tattooed them as a sign of ownership, officials said Sunday.

The police referred to the band as a pimp barcode. Officials released a 19-year-old had been beaten, held against her will and tattooed with a barcode and a number of money-$ -2.650 investigators believe was the amount of the debt for which the band wanted to extort money before releasing her.

The woman also had been beaten, and chained to a radiator and the hair and eyebrows shaved off, according to an Interior Ministry.

All detainees were of Romanian nationality and forced women to give up some of their income.

Women were tattooed on their wrists if they tried to escape, the statement said. Police also seized weapons and ammunition. It was not immediately clear when the raids were conducted.

Police seized $ 185.388 in cash, which were hidden in a false ceiling, a large amount of gold jewelry and five vehicles, three of which were described as luxurious.

The band was formed by two separate groups called “clans” in the statement, each dedicated to control prostitution along fixed sections of a street in central Madrid.

One of the alleged ringleaders, who identified only by the initials “IT”, is wanted by the Romanian authorities for crimes related to prostitution, the statement

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Posted by on 03/25/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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laws against femicide; the killing of women because of gender

English: Emblem of the United Nations. Color i...

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Currently, there are 10 states in the country which have laws against femicide; the killing of women because of genderUNITED NATIONS, March 2. – 2012 could be established as the year for legislation against femicide in the laws of the 32 states of Mexico, real progress in reducing violence against the female population, as estimated today by the National Institute for Women (NIW.)

“We hope this (is) year. The goal is that this year we have legislated femicide (killing of women based on gender,) in all states of the country, “said the president of Inmujeres, Rocio Garcia Gaytan, after attending the Commission on the Status of Women in the UN, which began this week and will close on March 9.

She explained that such laws are to be responsible for punishing the femicides, local law enforcement crimes, regardless of the progress of federal legislation in this area already approved in the House of Representatives and the Senate revised.

Currently, there are 10 states in the country which have laws against femicide the killing of women based on gender, though each state has focused its efforts in a particular way.

Garcia Gaytan highlighted the case of Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, where cundieron femicides in the 90’s, where local law does not contemplate this crime in itself but increases the penalties for the murders of women.

The official acknowledged why need progress on the “harmonization of laws'” to the definition of femicide, as well as “the approval of administrative records” of the crimes committed against women.

Improve the criteria needed to catalog the crimes against women, because the records do not include causes, ages and circumstances of the crimes, making it impossible to determine accurately the number of femicides in Mexico, he said.

He said that information given to a civil partnership by government officials in Nuevo Leon, for example, considered femicides death of 50 women in the fire of Casino Royale, an incident which is not classified as a homicide by gender.

“We have much work in this area, but whenever there is a case of high-profile femicide increased social pressure to move forward,” said Garcia Gaytan.

During his participation in the Commission on the Status of Women UN, the official also shared the progress made by Mexico in the SUM program, which aims to increase participation of women in politics.

The project, whose training has already benefited four thousand women in 14 states of Mexico, is one of 10 UN-sponsored by Women in the world for his relevance

The goal is for a period of three years, to double the number of halls in Mexico ruled by women, and inclusion of local parliaments to ensure that female state legislators are representing at least 30 percent of the congresses.

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Posted by on 03/03/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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Mexico, 16 000 children are exploited sexually: NHRC

Child Sexual exploitation
Child Sexual exploitation

The National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) demanded to strengthen joint action to combat trafficking in persons, as in Mexico 16 thousand children are enslaved for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

In a statement, the national autonomous body identified poverty, marginalization, unemployment and ignorance, as some of the main conditions that encourage trafficking in persons in the country.

He explained that the Palermo Protocol and the Law to Prevent and Punish Trafficking in Persons are two legal instruments available to the country to tackle trafficking and both require comprehensive public policies implemented to reduce the vulnerability of the victims.

To the CNDH is necessary to promote social and economic initiatives for mitigating factors such as poverty, marginalization, lack of opportunity, unemployment, ignorance, family breakdown, domestic violence, inequality and addiction, especially conditions that encourage trafficking in people in Mexico.

child trafficking world map

child trafficking world map

The national ombudsman said to be strengthening prevention campaigns to alert potential victims and avoid being caught by traffickers.

Also, ensure that victims currently suffer from this crime are rescued, protected and cared for in a comprehensive manner with full respect for human rights, he said.

In this case, the CNDH reported that through its Programme Against Trafficking carries out various activities to raise awareness of this phenomenon thoroughly and encourage all stakeholders to combat a comprehensive and effective.

Thus, in 2011 made more than 200 case actions which directly trained over 20,200 people, including public servants from the three spheres of government.

It also set up and coordinated the work they perform thirteen Regional Committees against Trafficking in people in various parts of the country.

The commission called on the authorities to redouble efforts to promote employment and educational progress to abate the conditions of vulnerability and to strengthen joint action to combat international crime that captures 2.5 million people each year

Related articles

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Posted by on 02/02/2012 in Crime!, Human Trafficking


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A womans’ Intelleigence is reflected in her Hips!

Intelligence is reflected by a woman’s hips

A study by the University of Pittsburgh found that women with wide hips and waist are smarter refined. What do you think?

University of Pittsburgh Seal

Image via Wikipedia

MEXICO CITY, January 20 .- Out of every stereotype, a study by the University of Pittsburgh, United States,

Intelligence reflect women's hips
Intelligence reflected by a woman’s hips

found that women with wide hips and waist are smarter refined.

In the study 16 000 women and girls who were taken and tested measures of intelligence, found that this factor that determines the intelligence is due to a proportion that marks the contour of your waist is smaller at about 0.6 and 0.7 times that of its hip.

Also in the research found that these women have smarter children.

But the mystery of this intelligence is found in fat, as it is rich in high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which are associated with brain development.

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Posted by on 01/21/2012 in Health!, Living!


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