Tag Archives: Violence

CUERNAVACA, 10 women killed this month!

Her naked body was left on the side of the road in the community of Tres Marias Huitzilac

Ruthless violence against women is taking place in this town and the police are mute about what they are doing to located and apprehend the murderers.

CUERNAVACA, 10 women killed this month!

A woman was killed and her body left on the side of the road from the community of Huitzilac with Tres Marias. So far the body has not been identified and her face was so battered from the beatings that she is unrecognisable. 

The month of October has been one of the most violent in the numbers of murdered women in Morelos. So far, 10 women have lost their lives in circumstances of violence, however, the local authorities have been stonewalling on gender alerts despite the trend of violence in its entity is against women.

The woman’s body was found about 7 AM in the morning, in one of the ditches that are on the shoulder of the country road, amidst the bushes, also was topless and in lingerie.

A few meters from the lifeless body a patch of blood was found on the ground, while several pieces of her clothes were on one side of the body.

By the time the state authorities released a version of events, they have not provided any information on this finding. Local residents came to the place, but did not identify the clothes or the person lying dead on the ground.

The Office of Morelos took evidence and the body to determine the cause of death and the identity of the person, which will be difficult to identify as the face was battered and disfigured due to the severity of injuries.

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Posted by on 10/29/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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