Tag Archives: United States House of Representatives

money Laundering reaches $ 10 billion in Mexico, representing 3.6 percent of GDP

In Mexico it is estimated that in 2012 the amount of money laundered rose, representing 3.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)

So says the document “Money Laundering” conceptual theoretical study, comparative law, international treaties and the new law on the subject in Mexico, that the House of Representatives issued a statement.

lunderin money in         Mexico reaches 10 Billion dollars for 2012

laundering money in Mexico reaches 10 Billion dollars for 2012

The report notes that according to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), only in the first quarter of 2003 the amount of money laundering was equivalent to 3.06 percent of GDP, after this period and until the second quarter of 2009, the percentage of money laundering equivalent to GDP fluctuated between 1.5 percent and 2.4 percent.

“These figures are due to the crime situation that has permeated our social, economic and financial, that must be triggered in a legal fight,” says the study by the SHCP.

According to the diagnosis of International Monetary Fund (IMF), the total amount of funds laundered in the world could vary between 2 percent and 5 cientodel global GDP.

Among the predicate offenses to money laundering internationally lies the smuggling of organs, tissues and medications people, art, animals, as well as drug trafficking and corruption, extortion and kidnapping.

“The illegal proceeds can be transferred easily and instantly from one jurisdiction to another” highlights the study.

With regard to the countries of Latin America, Mexico is below Peru in the percentage of GDP that represents money laundering, as the latter reported 4.4 percent to 2011, compared to the 3.6 percent that corresponds to Mexico 2012.

Finally, explains that the means of carrying out operations with illegal proceeds is the financial system, hence, the amount of legal and provisions governing the institutions responsible for implementing and enforcing the measures for any activity that may facilitate the commission of this crime

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Posted by on 01/19/2013 in Crime!, Money Laundering


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The verdict is in- Holder in contempt of Congress!

The vote was approved by an overwhelming majority of Republicans, a large number of Democrats left the full

Not so smug, Now!
Not so smug, Now

The House of Representatives of the United States today approved a landmark resolution to declare attorney general, Eric Holder, in contempt for his alleged failure to cooperate in the investigation of the operation “Fast and Furious“.

By a vote of 255 in favor and 17 Republicans -238 and 67 Democrats against, Holder became the first attorney in the history of the United States will face criminal prosecution for contempt for obstruction of justice.

At the start of voting of the resolution, a large number of Democrats, led by the fraction African-American, left the full House of Representatives in protest.

Republicans led by Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, argued that the vote was a tribute to the Border Patrol agent (PF) Brian Terry, and more than 200 Mexicans killed by weapons operating arms smuggling.

But Democrats argued that this is an election year strategy and a “witch hunt” against the first African American prosecutor in U.S. history.

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Posted by on 06/29/2012 in Crime!, Fast and Furious Weapons


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