Tag Archives: undocumented immigration

Rejected-U.S. agents in our country Mexico-to fight drug trafficking.


Mexico refuses American agents on the ground

Mexico refuses American agents on the ground

MEXICO CITY, The Permanent Commission expressed their rejection of the initiative HR3401 in the House of Representatives United States, which allows the presence of U.S. agents in our country to fight drug trafficking.

During today’s session, deputies and senators approved a point of agreement that expresses the rejection of the proposal contemplates extraterritorial elements, interventionist and harmful to national sovereignty and the principles of shared responsibility, respect for law and mutual trust that underpin our bilateral cooperation.

united states currency seal - IMG_7366_web
Image by kevindean via Flickr

“The Standing Committee of the honorable Congress urges the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Embassy of Mexico in the United States to redouble efforts to inform the U.S. Congress about the harm of initiatives like this that violate our relationship bilateral, “the statement said.

He also asked the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), a report on the strategy of bilateral cooperation on money laundering this report must include the results obtained to date.

In addition, the Standing Committee welcomed the amendments proposed by U.S. President Barack Obama, the process of family migration regularization of American citizens and hopes the early publication of the final rule the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to come into force shortly.

By a point of agreement presented by the Second Committee (Foreign Affairs, Defense and Public Education) also asked the Foreign Ministry to urge the administration of U.S. government extended to the families of permanent residents in that country the duration of the separation between U.S. citizens and their spouses or children while regularizing undocumented immigration status.

The document states that, in 2011, the U.S. government received 485,000 requests for permanent residency U.S. citizens and their immediate family, the same year he received 23,000 requests for asylum. More than 70 percent were approved, ie 16 000, although other 7 000 were rejected.

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Posted by on 01/19/2012 in Drugs


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