Tag Archives: travel

10 bodies found dismembered in Guerrero

These are the remains of seven men and three women, who were located in Teloloapan. In Acapulco three people killed

Teloloapan (Gro.), March 18. – The Attorney General of the State informed through a statement that severed human remains of ten people, seven men and three women were found in a popular neighborhood of this town of the north of the state.

10 bodies found dismembered in Guerrero

The state prosecutor said the discovery was made at nine o’clock on San Felipe Avenue, Mexicapan colony, up to the municipal slaughterhouse Teloloapan, so it has begun preliminary respectively.

Police forces of the three levels of government, with support from the Mexican military, working collaboratively to investigate the facts and find those responsible.

Three murders in Acapulco

The early hours of Sunday, the bodies of three people, two women and one man were found shot execution only 100 meters from the port C4.

According to the police report of the Secretary of State for Public Security, the finding occurred in the vicinity of Central Command Control Communication and Computing, between the streets and Penjamo Mogotes, a little after 3 am.

The bodies of three people had bullet wounds in their backs and heads. At the scene, the Public Security authorities and the public prosecutor who initiated investigations and ordered the transfer of bodies Semefo of Acapulco, where they remain as strangers.

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Posted by on 03/19/2012 in Crime!


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Venezuelan police kills Chilean consul’s daughter Berendique Karen

As recognized officially, police fired into the vehicle Berendique Karen, who would meet with friends, young people ignored the voices of high officials

Venezuelan police kills Chilean consul's daughter

FATAL CONFUSION The Honorary Consul of Chile in Maracaibo, Fernando Berendique, inidicó her daughter, who was in a car with friends, ignored the high voice of the agents to believe they could be criminals. (AP)

Berendique Karen, daughter of Honorary Consul of Chile in Maracaibo , died Saturday after being mortally wounded by officers in a police attack, they fired into the vehicle she was traveling in with her brother, as officially admitted.

The Consul Fernando Berendique, who lived for 30 years in Venezuela, told local media that his daughter, 19, “was killed when police officers went to a reunion with his school friends.”

It also stated that his sons and another young man who accompanied them ignored the high voice of the agents to believe they could become victims of criminals. The agents had set up a checkpoint in an area north of Maracaibo, about 650 kilometers west of Caracas . The agents did not have any visible identification and carrying automatic weapons, said the consul.

In Maracaibo and in the other major Venezuelan cities are frequent armed robberies. “They came suddenly and four blocks from my house were intercepted, were armed. Gave voice high, the boys were nervous because it was dark. The least we can hope for is that the police turned on the lights (of patrols ), did not and fired, and continued to do so, “said the consul.

“The first impact (bullet) was on the windshield, when my son desperately retreated … to see that Karen was unconscious and wounded, he stopped. They were identified and officials said they fired because they stopped the car,” he said.

The Corps for Scientific Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC) condemned the incident and said he had evidence of police malpractice. The boy died after being shot three times, reports said. “We condemn this type of police malpractice is an unfortunate, isolated the true mission (police),” he told reporters Commissioner Jose Humberto Ramirez , director of the CICPC.

“The disciplinary commissions proceedings for exemplary measures” and surrendered the weapons carried by the 12 officers who were put in the order of the Attorney General . The Attorney General said in a statement that two prosecutors, experts in human rights, were commissioned to conduct the research.

According to official figures, in 2011 there were 48 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, making the country, nearly 28 million people, one of the most violent in the region. On 11 November, the Chilean Consulate in Caracas, Juan Carlos Fernandez, was the victim of an assault and kept him detained for anything from two hours. He was abandoned on a public street, shot and wounded, and beaten.

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Posted by on 03/18/2012 in Crime!


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College Spring-breakers should avoid Mexico at all costs!

spring breakers should avoid Mexico due to violence
spring breakers should avoid Mexico due to violence

Texas asks college spring breakers not to vacation in Mexico because of violence

Police joined a warning from the U.S. government to advise students to avoid visiting the country

AUSTIN, Texas, March 6. – The Texas Police on Tuesday added a warning from the U.S. government to advise students to avoid travel to Mexico during spring break.

The Department of Public Safety Texas bordering Mexico, issued the warning to American students who usually travel to Mexico for vacation-known as spring breakers, noting the continued presence of violence in Mexico.

Violence related to organized crime escalated in December 2006 when it began the government of President Felipe Calderon, who intensified the fight against drug cartels.

The U.S. State Department recommended last month the Americans against traveling to certain parts or all of the territory of 14 of the 31 states of Mexico. The travel warning is made larger than the United States since Mexico intensified the fight against organized crime in 2006.

The director of the Texas Public Safety, Steven McCraw, said the violence of Mexican drug cartels and other criminal acts constitute a significant threat to safety, even in some resorts.

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Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta- The Flirty recaptured

Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty recaptured They ask for jail time for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty

After the recapture of offenders, the Mexican governor, Eruviel Avila said he expects the suspected serial murderer is sentenced to life in prison

MEXICO CITY, March 4. – The Governor of the State of Mexico, Eruviel Villegas Avila, requested life in prison for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta, The Cozy, who was recaptured yesterday.

“I hope that local and federal courts will allow us to be the first to punish a criminal with a life sentence in the State of Mexico is the least we can ask for this criminal,” said Avila.

In a video message just under two minutes, standing on his Twitter account, Avila Villegas said multihomicida arrest, accused of killing seven women in the State of Mexico and one in Mexico City, shows that the entity ” no impunity and go after the criminals, whoever they are. “

The governor said he offered to families of victims to go with all the force of law “and we’re showing.”

Avila said that the matter does not end with the recapture of femenicida, but are on the trail of the police allowed them to flee, “through negligence or corruption or whatever it was, we do also pay for this responsibility and this lack, “he said.

Finally, the Mexican governor congratulated the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Castillo, and his staff, “given his experience and intelligence enabled them to relearn the femicide“.

Possible for life imprisonment?

In announcing the details of the recapture of former minibus driver, the owner of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), Alfredo Castillo, said that local law reforms recently approved, allow the authority judicial imposition of life in prison for the crime of femicide.

“In this administration passed a law reform under which the Attorney General may request the judicial imposition of prison life by the femicides,” said the official.

Castillo explained, in a press conference that the rearrest of The Cosy was conducted in a residential colony of Malinche, in Magdalena Contreras, DF.

The home is owned by a relative of the alleged femicide, who was cornered by a police operation implemented on site.

Librado Legorreta was delivered, he argued that he was injured and required medical attention.

Later he confessed that he escaped PGJEM facilities in Tlalnepantla, by jumping out a window of the office where he was sheltered.

He was injured when he fell, but managed to reach the homes of his relatives and had the support of several people who he told that he was fleeing a kidnapping.

Castillo said the alleged femicide, at the time of his capture, was shaved and had injuries to his right foot and lumbar spine, all he said, was the injuries were caused by the fall in his escape.

The Cosy was taken to hospital Doctor Nicholas St. John, in Toluca.

Librado Legorreta will undergo medical evaluation to determine if you are able to be admitted to the Prison or be available to the judge in the same hospital.


The Attorney General of the DF (PGJDF) arrested the alleged leaders of the criminal organization Hand-eyed, Marco Antonio Hernandez Garcia, Commander, and John Arthur Casas Rodriguez, The Holiday.

A criminal court judge granted the injunction for 30 days against both individuals and for the four individuals that were arrested.

Early yesterday morning elements Panel Response and Intervention (GERI) of the Police Research, the Center moved to the rootedness of the delegation PGJDF Azcapotzalco located north of Mexico City.

Five days of flight

Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta was arrested for the first time on 23 February by police ministerial Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), although the State of Mexico authorities announced their detention until 27 February.

That same day, The Cosy , allegedly responsible for raping eight women, seven in the State of Mexico and one in the Federal District and of killing seven of his victims, yet he managed to escape with handcuffs and shackles on the feet.

The Cozy worked as a driver of a minibus with identification number 066, of Route 2 in the State of Mexico, which covered the course in Golden Valley Metro Chapultepec.

According to the modus operandi revealed by the Attorney Mexico State, the microbusero selected his victims when they came to his unit and addressed when left alone.

Through deceit, the serial murderer earned their trust and cheating to deflect the path of the minibus and sexually abusing them.


Criminal history:

– In June 2010, committed his first rape. His victim survived the attack.

– One year after violating and murdering two women, one in Tlalnepantla and one in Cuauhtemoc.

– The November 26, attacks Delia White, whose body is left in Cuautitlan Izcalli.

– The body of Fidelia Ayala was found Dec. 25, in Lake Guadalupe.

– On December 31, a young woman was discovered 18 dead in Mexico-Queretaro highway: it was his sixth victim.

– On January 18, he met Patricia Briano, his last victim.

– On February 23, Edomex ministerial agents are stopped.

– On February 27, disclosed his capture and escape the same day.

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Posted by on 03/04/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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