Tag Archives: Toluca

Mexico Arrest of one of the nine most wanted women by the PGR

Arrested in Queretaro; Nessy Topete Susana Herrera, 22 years old, linked to murders and robberies

Arrested one woman from the Nine most wanted in Mexico

Arrested one woman from the Nine most wanted in Mexico

Nessy Susana Herrera or Jessica Topete Requena Itzel Martinez, one of the nine most wanted women by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), was captured Thursday in Queretaro.

Following the arrest, the authorities of that state sent the 22 year old to the Attorney General of the State of Mexico.

In that state, Topete Herrera must appear for his alleged involvement in the crimes of robbery and killings of Zinacantepec mexiquenses cities and Toluca, as recorded in the criminal case 185/2011, initiated by the Attorney General of the State Mexico.

In addition, the girl was involved with a gang of robbers of computer consumables and also, allegedly committed four murders.

Once PGJEM learned that the accused, from the State of Mexico, recently moved to Querétaro, elements of the Crime Investigation Department intelligence deployed various strategies that identified its location.

Subsequently, the authorities planned to arrest.

According to reports Mexican authorities, arrested Nessy Susana Topete who was part of a gang that was involved in trade robbery with violence.

Another most wanted women federal justice is Dolores Torres Moreno, La Lola , who is part of the kidnap gang known as The Upright , besides allegedly to belong to organized crime.

The third most wanted woman in the country is Andrea Penaloza Pineda, who is accused of the killing of three youths in the El Seminario, in Toluca

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Posted by on 12/31/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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Women consume alcohol to get drunk in Mexico

In the past five years the consumption of alcohol has increased in women, especially adolescents, in fact the prevalence is similar to that of men

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The director of the Center for Youth Integration (CIJ) in Toluca, Alba Carrera Testa, reported that 24 percent of Mexico‘s population, or about 27 million people between 12 and 65 years of age, consume alcohol in large quantities.

In an interview, said of the 27 million of these people, nine million are women, while others 670 000 abuse of this substance.

He explained that women metabolize alcohol more slowly than men, which facilitates its rapid accumulation in the blood, reaching states of drunkenness or intoxication in less time.

He said that risky sexual practices, violence, depression, unwanted pregnancies, aggressiveness and physical damage are some of the causes of excessive use of alcohol.

He added that in the last five years the consumption of this substance is increased in women, especially adolescents, in fact the prevalence is similar to that of men.

He noted that the dependence made a survey of female students, averaged higher in states that show rates of alcohol consumption above the national average according to the National Addiction Survey 2008.

Among them, Baja California, Campeche, Aguascalientes Chihuahua, Mexico City, Colima, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos and Nayarit.

According to the study it showed that increased consumption of alcohol was found among high school level students, and similarly found that women with dependence and abuse of alcoholic beverages belonging to members of social networks with more users of alcohol.

Also stressed that consumers of alcohol has a greater need to explore and search for new sensations, as well as experience through strong drink, which in turn leads to the use of other drugs.

He added that they perceive the use or abuse of this substance as a means of “liberation and equality with men.”

The specialist said that women need to know the risks of smoking and how it affects your health, which is important to consider biological and psychosocial elements in the areas of prevention and treatment.

This, with the goal “to eliminate barriers to access of women to be treated by alcohol problems,” he said.

Reported that the Youth Integration Center provides prevention and treatment services in its 113 units distributed throughout the republic, and also edited the book “Young people and alcohol in Mexico, an emerging problem in women,” in order to provide more about this problem.

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Posted by on 03/27/2012 in Health!, Living!


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Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta- The Flirty recaptured

Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty recaptured They ask for jail time for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty

After the recapture of offenders, the Mexican governor, Eruviel Avila said he expects the suspected serial murderer is sentenced to life in prison

MEXICO CITY, March 4. – The Governor of the State of Mexico, Eruviel Villegas Avila, requested life in prison for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta, The Cozy, who was recaptured yesterday.

“I hope that local and federal courts will allow us to be the first to punish a criminal with a life sentence in the State of Mexico is the least we can ask for this criminal,” said Avila.

In a video message just under two minutes, standing on his Twitter account, Avila Villegas said multihomicida arrest, accused of killing seven women in the State of Mexico and one in Mexico City, shows that the entity ” no impunity and go after the criminals, whoever they are. “

The governor said he offered to families of victims to go with all the force of law “and we’re showing.”

Avila said that the matter does not end with the recapture of femenicida, but are on the trail of the police allowed them to flee, “through negligence or corruption or whatever it was, we do also pay for this responsibility and this lack, “he said.

Finally, the Mexican governor congratulated the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Castillo, and his staff, “given his experience and intelligence enabled them to relearn the femicide“.

Possible for life imprisonment?

In announcing the details of the recapture of former minibus driver, the owner of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), Alfredo Castillo, said that local law reforms recently approved, allow the authority judicial imposition of life in prison for the crime of femicide.

“In this administration passed a law reform under which the Attorney General may request the judicial imposition of prison life by the femicides,” said the official.

Castillo explained, in a press conference that the rearrest of The Cosy was conducted in a residential colony of Malinche, in Magdalena Contreras, DF.

The home is owned by a relative of the alleged femicide, who was cornered by a police operation implemented on site.

Librado Legorreta was delivered, he argued that he was injured and required medical attention.

Later he confessed that he escaped PGJEM facilities in Tlalnepantla, by jumping out a window of the office where he was sheltered.

He was injured when he fell, but managed to reach the homes of his relatives and had the support of several people who he told that he was fleeing a kidnapping.

Castillo said the alleged femicide, at the time of his capture, was shaved and had injuries to his right foot and lumbar spine, all he said, was the injuries were caused by the fall in his escape.

The Cosy was taken to hospital Doctor Nicholas St. John, in Toluca.

Librado Legorreta will undergo medical evaluation to determine if you are able to be admitted to the Prison or be available to the judge in the same hospital.


The Attorney General of the DF (PGJDF) arrested the alleged leaders of the criminal organization Hand-eyed, Marco Antonio Hernandez Garcia, Commander, and John Arthur Casas Rodriguez, The Holiday.

A criminal court judge granted the injunction for 30 days against both individuals and for the four individuals that were arrested.

Early yesterday morning elements Panel Response and Intervention (GERI) of the Police Research, the Center moved to the rootedness of the delegation PGJDF Azcapotzalco located north of Mexico City.

Five days of flight

Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta was arrested for the first time on 23 February by police ministerial Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), although the State of Mexico authorities announced their detention until 27 February.

That same day, The Cosy , allegedly responsible for raping eight women, seven in the State of Mexico and one in the Federal District and of killing seven of his victims, yet he managed to escape with handcuffs and shackles on the feet.

The Cozy worked as a driver of a minibus with identification number 066, of Route 2 in the State of Mexico, which covered the course in Golden Valley Metro Chapultepec.

According to the modus operandi revealed by the Attorney Mexico State, the microbusero selected his victims when they came to his unit and addressed when left alone.

Through deceit, the serial murderer earned their trust and cheating to deflect the path of the minibus and sexually abusing them.


Criminal history:

– In June 2010, committed his first rape. His victim survived the attack.

– One year after violating and murdering two women, one in Tlalnepantla and one in Cuauhtemoc.

– The November 26, attacks Delia White, whose body is left in Cuautitlan Izcalli.

– The body of Fidelia Ayala was found Dec. 25, in Lake Guadalupe.

– On December 31, a young woman was discovered 18 dead in Mexico-Queretaro highway: it was his sixth victim.

– On January 18, he met Patricia Briano, his last victim.

– On February 23, Edomex ministerial agents are stopped.

– On February 27, disclosed his capture and escape the same day.

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Posted by on 03/04/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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State of Mexico offering a reward of one million pesos for “the Flirty”

TOLUCA, February 29. – Attorney Alfredo Castillo Mexico State will meet in the next few hours with relatives of the victims of Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta, alias “the Flirty responsible for multiple homicides.”

the Flirtatious wanted for Murder and Rape
the Flirtatious wanted for Murder and Rape

The Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM) also confirmed that offering a reward of one million pesos to anyone providing information leading to the arrest the rapist and murderer of women.

It is expected that the meeting with the families of the young people who were killed by Librado Legorreta will be conducted behind closed doors in the city of Toluca.

The prosecutor said that in the last hours they have investigated 14 homes related to the criminal, where they have located the victim’s belongings.

The office reported that so far they do not have clues as to the whereabouts of the two judicial police who allegedly are related to the escape of the criminal.

The governor instructed the mexiquense Attorney Eruviel Avila, Alfredo Castillo, to facilitate the investigations leading to the recapture of Armando Librado Legorreta, aka “Flirty”, accused of rape and homicide.

In a statement reported that the state government was determined to dismiss the charge of the Commissioner General of the state ministerial police of Mexico, Enrique Dominguez Abasolo, to facilitate investigations into the case and determining if there are more public servants suspected of evasion of arrest.

In addition, Villegas Avila ordered the state prosecutor to speed up the investigation and implement the mechanisms necessary for legal and intelligence gathering to lead to the capture of Saul Antonio Rodrigo Sanchez and Israel Rodriguez, the two policemen at large for whose negligence or complicity, made it was possible for the detainee to escape.

Further instructions were for the Deputy Governor for the Investigation of Crimes Linked to Gender Violence and the prosecutor Alfredo Castillo in the sense of providing all necessary attention to the families of the victims of the fugitive.

The governor also asked the head of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico structural analysis of substance dependence to identify those actions which may need to improve and streamline their work

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Posted by on 03/01/2012 in Corruption at Work!, Crime!


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Chalco, Mexico-20 people related to the lynching of two children and an adult detained!

lynching in CHALCO, Mexico 20 suspects in custody!

lynching in CHALCO, Mexico 20 suspects in custody!

CHALCO, Mex. February 18. – The Judging Process Control, headed by Fabiola Aparicio, today issued a binding order to process 20 people related to the lynching of two children and an adult, which occurred on February 10 in San Mateo Huitzilzingo.

In this way we determined the legal status of the detainees, who must remain in custody to face trial for the crime of murder. It was reported that to enable the Attorney General to provide new data within six months.

Meanwhile, the defense of the detainees reported that they seek an injunction order so they can continue the process at large, however, it was confirmed that at present they will remain in custody in the entry area of the prison of Chalco.

Relatives of the detainees said they carried out various actions in both Chalco and the city of Toluca, to demand the release of detainees.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission of the State confirmed that following the court case for exchange, but so far the families of the detainees have come to this court.

It is recalled that on February 10 over 500 people beat and burned to two minors and one adult in the central square.

According to investigations by the state attorney general‘s office, the motive of these events was a sentimental problem among teenagers and there are still more people to be arrested for their alleged involvement

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Posted by on 02/19/2012 in Crime!


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Reward posted for Killer of Mayor of La Piedad, Ricardo Guzman Romero!


Official Seal of the Government of the United ...
Image via Wikipedia

The Attorney General of Mexico announced a reward of five million pesos ($385,000 USD) for information to locate and arrest the murderers of a mayor shot to death in the state of Michoacán.

The reward will be paid “to the person or persons provide reliable and useful information that contributes effectively, efficiently, effectively and promptly in the identification, location, arrest or detention of the alleged perpetrators,” prosecutors said.

The Mayor of La Piedad, Ricardo Guzman Romero, close to President Felipe Calderon was shot dead on November 2, on the eve of state elections next Sunday to renew governor, mayors and legislators.

The President’s sister, Maria Luisa Calderon launched as a favorite to become the next Governor.

The Governor of Mexico, Villegas Avila Eruviel condemned the attack against the mayor of La Piedad, Ricardo Guzman Romero.

During the swearing-in of Secretary of Public Safety in Toluca, expressed the solidarity of the State of Mexico to the family of the mayor “who unfortunately was killed yesterday in the state of Michoacán, Ricardo Guzman Romero, rest in peace.

“Expressing his family our respect and solidarity with the authorities in Michoacán, and especially of the Pieta.”

He said he deplores and condemns these acts, which he said threaten the country’s institutions and local levels.


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Posted by on 11/10/2011 in Crime Watch


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20 cars rammed on the Mexico-Toluca highway-20 injured-heading toward Mexico City!

A person was killed and twenty injured the balance of a pileup at mile five hundred thirteen more Mexico-Toluca highway, heading toward Mexico City.

At approximately 9:00 pm yesterday, the driver of a truck, Torton type, license plates 339-DE08, carrying a load of tomatoes, lost control and crashed into 20 cars that could not advance to the intersection with the federal highway, the vehicle load is in that area.

Among the vehicles involved was a Federal Police patrol, No. 10-142, whose crew Alan Petty Officer Hector Estrada Chamerry, declined to rescue the injured drivers.

Even occupants of other vehicles who were injured  tried to help others who were injured.

On impact, eight vehicles were burned, and a huge plume of smoke could be seen up and the distance from various points west of the City.

Amid the confusion, the driver of the truck fled, which was confirmed by the Attorney General of the capital, after reports that the head had been arrested.

And federal capital police closed traffic in both directions of the highway, while elements of the fire station Tacubaya Cuajimalpa and suppressed the fire to prevent spreading.

Civil Protection personnel also Federal District cordoned off the area.

Red Cross paramedics and Rescue Squad and Emergency Medical ERUM, attended the 22 injured, four of them had to be moved to the Central Hospital of the Red Cross Polanco, where reported out of danger.

Other persons affected by the crash had minor scratches and bruises.

A compact car, Athos, with license plates from the State of Mexico, was crushed by the truck load.

Inside was the charred body of a woman, whose identity was not disclosed.

Elías Miguel Moreno Brizuela, Secretary of Civil Protection of city government, said the crushed car registration worked on the identity of the victim.

Staff of the Attorney General of the Federal District (PGJDF) went to find his family.

The prosecutor of the department, seconded Cuajimalpa delegation, learned of the accident, while experts gather evidence to determine the root causes of this mishap.

Thousands of motorists were stranded for more than six hours in the central lanes of the highway, a few meters from the accident.

In the stretch Chalma-La Marquesa, federal police vehicle traffic diverted from the city of Toluca and the county seat of Huixquilucan, free road to Mexico-Toluca.

After 14:00 hours the affected vehicles were removed from the scene of the incident, to partially open circulation.

The woman’s charred body was taken to the amphitheater of Public Prosecutions.

The staff of Heroic Firefighters threw water to clean the asphalt of the Mexico-Toluca that after three in the afternoon was fully reopened to vehicular traffic.

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Posted by on 11/09/2011 in Crime Watch


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