Tag Archives: technology

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Obtained from organic waste, human tissue for burns

The biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting tissue regeneration.

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

To be used directly on patients they must be eight years of age or older

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

MEXICO CITY – In order to provide relief to those who have suffered burns, researchers at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus, working on the implementation of a biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting regeneration tissue.

The material produced in this university is a membrane prepared to act as a protective antibacterial for chemically damaged skin. According to the teacher Mayra Gabriela Brito Charles, project participant, the biopolymer extracted from organic waste. For this, the team has developed a chemical process (currently being patented) through which the material obtained and subjected to chemical processing and washing to remove proteins and other compounds.

The intent of this procedure, the researcher said, is to remove any components which could lead to rejection by the recipient’s body. Besides that the process is optimized to use a minimum amount of water and obtain the biopolymer in the shortest possible time from this material, he explained. The membranes are formed in different sizes with different textures, which are placed over the injured area to accelerate tissue regeneration.

By having a positive charge attracts the biopolymer cells instead of negative. Brito Charles said tests performed so far in cell cultures to determine the time at which the tissue is regenerated and the biodegradation, but noted that the material is different from those on the market which are completely artificial and biocompatible.

He also indicated they expect to test as soon as relevant evidence in animals of animal facilities of the School of Medicine Hospital Medical Center San Jose, the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

However, he acknowledged that the membranes can be used directly on patients who must be over eight years of age, where further tests and meet the guidelines of the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris).

In addition to this development, the Tec team is working on the creation of another biopolymer that fulfills the same features, but its structure serves as a scaffold for cell culture, which at first instance would be used in the reproduction of soft or hard tissue. It should be noted that both projects have involved by Dr. Jorge Armando Cortez and teacher Rocio Ramirez Gosch Ingram. Thanks to these biopolymers, Protechi created the company, which will market the products and which is the executive director Charles Brown.

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Posted by on 05/14/2012 in Health!


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street prostitution moves to the Internet

street prostitution moves to the Internet

street prostitution moves to the Internet

The following article is worth a good read and is credited too;Luis Chaparro El Diario de El Paso | 03.31.2012 | 23:36

The prostitution business has gone from the streets of El Paso to the monitors of hundreds of Internet users. Given the ease of operating under a pseudonym and the low probability of being arrested, gangs have found a new workplace more profitable.

Local Authorities and the Sheriff’s Office and the Police Department and the El Paso Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recognize that there is a marked increase in activities related to prostitution on the Internet. Sites openly dedicated to bringing together people with sexual interest, and even the social network Facebook are being used for ‘padrotear’ prostitutes in the city.

On Monday 26 March, the Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of eight sex workers offering their services via the Internet in the County of El Paso, and another who worked with them and was in possession of hallucinogenic substances. The operation was carried out by an undercover agent for several months over the Internet sought sexual encounters with women now in custody. “The agent admitted to multiple pages and easily found on Internet prostitutes.

 Appointments are made at different hotels in El Paso, “said Eileen Lopez, spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office. The operation took place between Wednesday 21 and Friday 23 March. Were arrested Anne Carter, 31, Kathryn Carson, 33, Matiya Johnson, 19; Quote Griffis, 20; Eboni Richey, 23, and Jennifer Trevizo, 20, all charged with prostitution, with bail of 500 DOLLAR also were arrested on the same charge and bail of $ 300 Claudia Velasco, 20, and Samantha Lutz, 24. Naomi Moreno, 32, was charged with drug possession and bail set at $ 3,000.

According to a search for identity of the accused by this means, at least seven of them could be originating from the state of Arizona, which could involve interstate network of highly organized prostitution.

However, the authorities have only been able to arrest the prostitutes without Regents to achieve with the site. “com” which is advertised and it is unknown whether a larger network. “Probably the site is still open because it is almost impossible to close the pages on the Internet. It is very difficult to know who is operating the sites and find them to end these networks, “said Lopez.

In addition, sites like “” Twirl-placed force who are listed under services “adults only” to include a notice that says that the meetings are not under any economic exchange, which makes the work of the authorities even more complicated. “In we have seen it advertised and requested prostitutes, but we can not intervene as we would like because they do not advertise only that, but cars, clothes and other things “, she said. “This type of prostitution has not replaced the traditional, but it has gained ground.

The fact is that these prostitutes need access to a computer and Internet and there are some who can not pay. Maybe the Internet price of its services even more expensive, “said sheriff’s spokeswoman.

Research this medium was admitted under a false account site to verify the version of the authorities and figure out how to operate prostitution. Only enter the site under the heading of ‘Personals’ are links to different types of offerings like “Man seeking Woman,” “Woman seeking Man”, “Casual Encounters” and others. Once one of these paragraphs, gives notice that you agree to be 18 years, and can be found with adult content, it is understood that prohibits any violation of the terms of use of Craigslist, among which include the prohibition of sexual services for profit-and that Craigslist disclaims any liability that may occur during use of the site.

One of the users, who did not provide the identity for security reasons, was described as an athletic young woman, “prepared oral sex.  “The user asked to be contacted by mail and provided an address as a Craigslist user” I stand on the west side of the city,” he said. When contacted, the alleged user demanded a photograph, which is sent with a false identity to protect the reporter. Over time they agreed to a meeting at a motel on the west side of El Paso and said there would be where you would specify the amount and form of payment per hour.

The reporter did not attend the event for safety reasons and lost contact with the alleged user. Encounters occur in although in previous years the site said to remove the section on adults, precisely for this reason. Harden coordination in an attempt to combat this dark business, Texas police departments have strengthened coordination with other police forces and center child advocates in the state and national level.

Many times the agents of a city have to execute the warrants of arrest in others. They must also be able to share quickly between different instances information about the case and the suspect. “We have invested heavily in new technology to make up with these people.

There is a palpable increase in Internet crimes and we work together, all the agencies here have received training and purchased technology, “said Lopez. The Sheriff, FBI and police, are working to arrest those persons responsible, “he added. Systems for Human Trafficking Report, designed in 2007 under the auspices of the Department of Justice, was 2,515 suspected incidents of human trafficking surveyed nationwide between January 2008 and June 2010-about 80 percent of which were related to commercial sex and forced labor.

Given the difficult situation, Lopez appealed to civil society to end such practices.

 “We need to let you know, people who go online stop to ask for such services. It can be very dangerous you never know who is at the other end. Furthermore, by simply entering a site you have become involved in the broader investigation being conducted by the authorities, “he said.

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Posted by on 04/02/2012 in Crime!


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