Tag Archives: state security

“Merida Initiative” implemented by the governments of Mexico and the U.S.

American Mailboxes .. Hope Street .. Foreclosu...
Image by marsmet462 via Flickr

How much money is required for the USA to send to Mexico in the fight against Drugs? Obama spends money that should be kept at home, to hire the unemployed, and to prevent home fore-closures!

TAMAULIPAS, January 22 .- As a result of the resolutions adopted by the governments of Mexico and the United States on security, the government of Egidio Torre Cantu was selected to receive funding by U.S. $ 4 million to be allocated largely to equipment and training of public security forces in Tamaulipas.

Commissioner Rafael Lomeli Martinez, Secretary of State for Public Security (SSPE) reported that this support is derived from the so-called Merida Initiative” implemented by the governments of Mexico and the U.S. as a strategy to reduce the crime rate at all levels on both sides of the border.

Lomeli Martinez explained that the U.S. government assists in the training and instruction of the officers of our country and supports the implementation of courses and specialized classrooms for the fulfillment of that objective.

He said that with the use of $ 4 million is to professionalize the police force of Tamaulipas and build up the fight against crime in all its forms, as part of the strategy of Governor Torre Cantú Tamaulipas that police have a more reliable.

The Commissioner said SSPE is the first time the U.S. government will directly support the economic resources to Tamaulipas, as part of the “Merida Initiative” and in recognition of the efforts made in the state security.

He said that U.S. support for the aim of improving levels of security that is currently living in our state.

In addition to the $ 4 million to provide for the acquisition of equipment, the U.S. government donates training to police elements Tamaulipas.

Through the “Merida Initiative”, approved by Congress, the U.S. government supported financial resources and equipment to Mexico, which are channeled directly to the federal government, which in turn landed directly to various police stations.

Now for the first time, funds from the “Merida Initiative will be provided specifically to Tamaulipas [pending the terms and dates] for the donation of equipment and training police will undergo.

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Posted by on 01/23/2012 in Crime!, Politics


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