Tag Archives: research

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Obtained from organic waste, human tissue for burns

The biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting tissue regeneration.

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

To be used directly on patients they must be eight years of age or older

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

MEXICO CITY – In order to provide relief to those who have suffered burns, researchers at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus, working on the implementation of a biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting regeneration tissue.

The material produced in this university is a membrane prepared to act as a protective antibacterial for chemically damaged skin. According to the teacher Mayra Gabriela Brito Charles, project participant, the biopolymer extracted from organic waste. For this, the team has developed a chemical process (currently being patented) through which the material obtained and subjected to chemical processing and washing to remove proteins and other compounds.

The intent of this procedure, the researcher said, is to remove any components which could lead to rejection by the recipient’s body. Besides that the process is optimized to use a minimum amount of water and obtain the biopolymer in the shortest possible time from this material, he explained. The membranes are formed in different sizes with different textures, which are placed over the injured area to accelerate tissue regeneration.

By having a positive charge attracts the biopolymer cells instead of negative. Brito Charles said tests performed so far in cell cultures to determine the time at which the tissue is regenerated and the biodegradation, but noted that the material is different from those on the market which are completely artificial and biocompatible.

He also indicated they expect to test as soon as relevant evidence in animals of animal facilities of the School of Medicine Hospital Medical Center San Jose, the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

However, he acknowledged that the membranes can be used directly on patients who must be over eight years of age, where further tests and meet the guidelines of the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris).

In addition to this development, the Tec team is working on the creation of another biopolymer that fulfills the same features, but its structure serves as a scaffold for cell culture, which at first instance would be used in the reproduction of soft or hard tissue. It should be noted that both projects have involved by Dr. Jorge Armando Cortez and teacher Rocio Ramirez Gosch Ingram. Thanks to these biopolymers, Protechi created the company, which will market the products and which is the executive director Charles Brown.

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Posted by on 05/14/2012 in Health!


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Women consume alcohol to get drunk in Mexico

In the past five years the consumption of alcohol has increased in women, especially adolescents, in fact the prevalence is similar to that of men

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The director of the Center for Youth Integration (CIJ) in Toluca, Alba Carrera Testa, reported that 24 percent of Mexico‘s population, or about 27 million people between 12 and 65 years of age, consume alcohol in large quantities.

In an interview, said of the 27 million of these people, nine million are women, while others 670 000 abuse of this substance.

He explained that women metabolize alcohol more slowly than men, which facilitates its rapid accumulation in the blood, reaching states of drunkenness or intoxication in less time.

He said that risky sexual practices, violence, depression, unwanted pregnancies, aggressiveness and physical damage are some of the causes of excessive use of alcohol.

He added that in the last five years the consumption of this substance is increased in women, especially adolescents, in fact the prevalence is similar to that of men.

He noted that the dependence made a survey of female students, averaged higher in states that show rates of alcohol consumption above the national average according to the National Addiction Survey 2008.

Among them, Baja California, Campeche, Aguascalientes Chihuahua, Mexico City, Colima, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos and Nayarit.

According to the study it showed that increased consumption of alcohol was found among high school level students, and similarly found that women with dependence and abuse of alcoholic beverages belonging to members of social networks with more users of alcohol.

Also stressed that consumers of alcohol has a greater need to explore and search for new sensations, as well as experience through strong drink, which in turn leads to the use of other drugs.

He added that they perceive the use or abuse of this substance as a means of “liberation and equality with men.”

The specialist said that women need to know the risks of smoking and how it affects your health, which is important to consider biological and psychosocial elements in the areas of prevention and treatment.

This, with the goal “to eliminate barriers to access of women to be treated by alcohol problems,” he said.

Reported that the Youth Integration Center provides prevention and treatment services in its 113 units distributed throughout the republic, and also edited the book “Young people and alcohol in Mexico, an emerging problem in women,” in order to provide more about this problem.

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Posted by on 03/27/2012 in Health!, Living!


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