Tag Archives: Orinoco

Eight persons slaughtered in Caycara Orinoco, Venezuela

The Orinoco River, here in Amazonas State, Ven...

The Orinoco River, here in Amazonas State, Venezuela. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They say it’s the worst slaughter that is registered in the town of Caycara Orinoco, two of the victims were minors CARACAS, Eight men, including two children aged 16 and 17, were killed with shots to the head after being forced to kneel while celebrating a party at a home in southeastern Venezuela, reported the Office.

The incident took place “in the early morning hours of Saturday during the celebration of a festival in the town of Caycara Orinoco” when “several men carrying firearms appeared and shot multiple times into a group of people celebrating” the Prosecutor said in a statement. He added that he has appointed prosecutors along with police investigate and to establish the causes of the attack, and to identify those killed, in addition to the two teenagers, two aged 18, two 19, one 28 and another 35.

There have been 16,072 homicides committed in Venezuela since 2012 According to the digital version of the local newspaper Correo del Caroni, the “thugs” arrived on a motorcycle and stealthily entered the house where the party was held, apparently for graduation from secondary education of the two children killed. Before forcing them to kneel, “beaten and then executed him mercilessly.’s The worst slaughter that has ever lived in Caycara; want justice, mourn our streets,” said a woman who witnessed the fact that “for fear asked to leave their identity anonymous, “wrote the newspaper. On the causes of crime said neighbors shuffled various scenarios, including “a reckoning” between members of criminal gangs. “Not all those who were killed misconduct, but by one paid everyone,” said another witness daily the fact, which occurred the same day the Venezuelan Minister of Interior, General Miguel Rodriguez said the offense is been reduced in the country.

Crime has fallen by an average of 30% since beginning of year launched the “Plan Secure Homeland” against crime, the minister said in an interview sabatina television. According to the plan for reducing crime and in the first 29 weeks in which the plan was put into action the reduction in homicides was 58%, he added, noting that includes patrolling streets of major cities with more than 12,000 soldiers in operations supporting some 23 000 The latest official figures realized that in 2012 there were 16,072 homicides in Venezuela, 14% more than in 2011, equivalent to a rate of 54 homicides per 100 000 inhabitants, rising to 73 per 100 thousand inhabitants, according NGO Venezuelan Violence Observatory (SVO).

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Posted by on 07/22/2013 in Crime!


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