Tag Archives: ministry of foreign affairs

Mexican government condemns terrorist attack in Bogota

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) conveyed in a statement, Mexico‘s solidarity to the Colombian government

Mexican government condemns terrorist attack in Bogota
Mexican government condemns terrorist attack in Bogota

MEXICO CITY, – The Mexican government condemned the terrorist attack registered today in Bogota (Colombia), directed against the former Minister of Interior and Justice, Fernando Londoño, and in which two people died and 41 others were injured, three of them of gravity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) conveyed in a statement, Mexico’s solidarity to the Colombian government and reiterated his refusal “under any circumstances, to the execution of such acts.”

Foreign Ministry also said that “in these difficult times accompanies the families of the victims and the wounded.”

In this attack, which occurred in a commercial area, it killed the driver of a former minister and a police security team.

“Mexico condemns terrorist acts in emphatic fashion, and reiterates its readiness to continue cooperating with the international community to prevent and punish these activities,” concluded the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

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Posted by on 05/16/2012 in Crime!


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Is Mexico the uncomfortable neighbor of the United States?

map of the party affiliations of the current G...
Image via Wikipedia

Mexico is the United States uncomfortable neighbor,

He said the government’s foreign policy in this country has improved relations with the United States, Central and Latin America

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 29. – The foreign policy of the Government of Mexico has significantly improved relations with Central and Latin America in general, and in no way be considered that our country is a ‘neighbor uncomfortable’ for America , said today the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Gonzalo Gómez Canseco.

The Mexican foreign ministry official said this in the context of the presentation of the book ‘The International Challenges of Mexico: Urgency of Fresh Eyes’.

Gonzalo Gómez Canseco denied that Mexico is the ‘awkward neighbor’ of the United States, as indicated by the book ‘The International Challenges of Mexico: Urgency of Fresh Eyes’, a compilation of 11 essays written by specialists, including Natalia Saltalamacchia, Jorge Tello, Luis Herrera, Marco Antonio Alcazar and coordinated by Olga Pellicer and Guadalupe Gonzalez.

Gómez Canseco spoke at the beginning of the presentation of the book and their expressions were contrary to the criticism issued later by the former Mexican foreign minister and senator for the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Rosario Green.

The Chief of Staff of the Foreign Ministry said that the views displayed do not reflect the actual conditions of the conduct of foreign policy, and the fact it said that our country is ‘uncomfortable neighbor’ of the United States.

‘The vision expressed by the authors is more a review of what is said in the media, that an analysis of official documents or reports, “he said.

Canseco Gomez said that even the current federal administration attended representing the headlights on Mexican possible break some countries in the region, ‘which has increased significantly the level of diplomatic relations’.

In presenting the book also attended Senator PRD, Jose Guadarrama Marquez and Olga Pellicer compiler itself.

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Posted by on 03/01/2012 in Politics


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Mexican cartel activity has already affected five continents

Mexican Drug Cartel Activity affects 5 continents
Mexican Drug Cartel Activity affects 5 continents

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 26. – The Mexican cartel activity has already affected five continents. Last year alone, 41 countries reported to the federal government on the detention of nearly three thousand nationals involved in drug trafficking. This is mainly so-called burreros carrying between 500 grams and five kilos of narcotics.

According to the document protection cases handled by the Mexico consular diplomatic network in the world of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), most are in the U.S.. However, there are cases in countries as far away as Egypt, China, Turkey, Greece and New Zealand.

The report, indicated that two thousand 892 Mexicans were arrested abroad and had requested legal assistance from their consulates. From these numbers, two thousand 147 requests come from the United States, and the remaining 745, from 40 other countries.

It also details how from 2007 to 2010, ten thousand 198 U.S. territory captured requested consular support, and notes that 90 percent of those arrested are men.

Spain is the second largest Mexican in that situation, with 115 cases, followed by Peru with 107, Panama, 96.

Other nations are Japan with 40, France with 20, Australia, with 11 cases; Malaysia, with three prisoners and Egypt, with a Mexican arrested for alleged drug crimes.

Mexican drug reaches 5 continents

The activity of the Mexican cartels already reached five continents. Only in 2011, 41 countries reported to the federal government on the detention of nearly three thousand nationals involved in drug trafficking, especially burreros carrying between 500 grams and five kilos of narcotics. Most were arrested in the U.S., but there are civilians arrested in China, Turkey, Egypt and New Zealand.

According to the document protection cases handled by the Mexican consular diplomatic network in the world , prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), to which Excelsior was accessed, a total of 2 thousand 147 Mexicans detained in the United States requested legal assistance from the Mexican consulate after being arrested for alleged drug crimes. The remaining 745 cases occurred in 40 other nations.

The report discusses the number of Mexicans detained in the United States and requested consular assistance between 2007 and 2010, which amounts to 10 000 198 nationals.

Of these, 90 percent were men (nine thousand 193 cases) and 10 percent female (one thousand five cases). The city with the most cases was Houston, Texas, with 284 thousand, the second, San Diego, California, with 730 and the third Albuquerque, New Mexico, 440.

On so-called burreros , the deputy director general of protection policies, the general direction of protection of Mexicans abroad Foreign Ministry Bernachi Alfonso Navarro said: “There have been many cases where we see that they tell people ‘ hey, I give five thousand dollars for bringing this package to a specific airport in the world ‘, and it turns out later accused of crimes end up in remote countries. “

Many of these people even travel without telling your family. Bernachi Navarro said that the Foreign Ministry preventive campaigns in the reporting of the risks of lending to drug trafficking. In his office there is a sign with a happy, with suitcase in hand and a globe on his back with the legend “Do not take a trip ‘all paid’.”

Prison sentences in the United States vary depending on the state concerned and the amount of drug that leads the person but can range from five to over 20.

In turn, Dr. Jose Maria Ramos, director of the Department of Public Administration Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, said that increased incarceration of Mexicans in the United States has to do with it continues to grow drug trafficking and cartels Mexicans continue to hire or forcing immigrants to take loads of drugs to cross the border.

Foreign Ministry figures refer only to cases of people who sought consular assistance from Mexico, but there may be many more, as there are Mexicans who do not seek help, some because they want their family will find out or because they have prior criminal record. In other cases the authority of the country that fails to warn stops are entitled to consular assistance to Mexican authorities.

In requesting aid, personal protection area for Mexicans Abroad Mexican Consulate interview with them and gives them to know what their rights are, in the case of the U.S., explains that they will have a public defender and in specific cases are given support to a member of the External legal assistance program (PALE).

According to Navarro Bernachi in the United States the authority provides a form where the detainee must be marked with an X whether or not to receive assistance from the Mexican consulate, this according to the Vienna Convention on consular law, but there are also cases in that the U.S. authority does not comply with this obligation


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Canadian assaulted and killed in Jalisco

Puerto Vallarta A Canadian citizen was murdered after they raided a home in a Mexican village from the Pacific coast, officials said Wednesday. Robbers wearing ski masks fired Robin Wood, 67, in the town of Melaque, the spokesman said of the Office of the State of Jalisco, Jose Ramirez.

Melaque is near the port of Manzanillo, and is a town with a large number of expatriates living in Canada bungalows, trailers and houses. Canadian media said Wood was a retired mechanical originally from Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

The official said Canadian Wood and a friend surprised the thieves when they came from one bar to the friend’s house on Tuesday morning. The attackers tried to take a bag to Wood, and struggled before he was shot. He died in a local hospital the same day.

Ian Trites, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada, confirmed that a citizen of that country died in Mexico and said that consular officials in Ottawa and the beach of Puerto Vallarta, a few hours Melaque, working with local authorities to gather information.

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