Tag Archives: Mexico State

Human Trafficking network discovered in Ensenada

A trafficking network was uncovered after the Ensenada Municipal Police presented a report indicating that they had located a group of people suspected Salsipuedes Field, located 30 kilometers north of the city of Ensenada .


Human Trafficking Network discovered in Ensenada

According to the official report, around 14:40 C-4 reported that in the tourist field called Salsipuedes to kilometer 97 +650 of the Tijuana-Ensenada scenic road, the security guards had secured the site 15 people.

The agents of the Sauzal Police, observed a group of people, which was at the edge of the beach, they were guarded by security personnel at the tourist camp.

The officers met with security guards, who explained that they arrived just before a boat came in which was carrying 20 people, who were on the beach.

Then came a pick-up in blue and took five people, before the guards arrived at the edge of the beach to intervene.

Questioning the 15 insured, all nationals from inside the country, they confirmed that they were taken on board a boat from the night of August 22 were decomposed so were stranded at the height of the Island of All Saints .

They added that on Thursday August 23, came to them a boat to which came and took them to the edge of the tourist area in question, telling them to wait at the place and they were going to go for them, retiring the driver of the boat .

Almost simultaneously came a blue pick-up type vehicle, which took five people with the promise that the vehicle back for others and bring them food.

At that time the officers realized that a blue Nissan Pick-up model 2000, AN-39 414 plates, which was driven by one named Samuel Espericueta Najar, 46 years old.

When questioned he revealed he was coming from Tijuana to fish, and he questioned about the first five people who took them in the city of Tijuana for a thousand dollars was paid to deliver food to people and bring them of that place and the remaining 15 had paid between 3000-6000 dollars each to cross into the United States.

With this information the man was arrested and the 15 people rescued of which, five were women and 10 men who said to come from the states of Chihuahua, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Mexico State, Tlaxcala, among others.

Al Najar was questioned about the first five people whom he took to a village near the north, where he left to take public transportation to take them to the city of Tijuana.

The remaining 15 people were taken to the doctor on call for medical recovery and subsequently were presented before Judge Qualifier, which take turns to Samuel Najar determined the Federal Public Ministry for the crime of Human Trafficking, and the 15 people as filed with the same authority.

The vehicle was towed to a storage yard and made available to the same authority.

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Posted by on 08/25/2012 in Crime!, Human Trafficking


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Australian woman arrested for explosions in Tlalpan and Coyoacán

The explosion caused the breaking of the glass door access and there were no people injured (Cuartoscuro)
The explosion caused the breaking of the glass door access and there were no people injured (Cuartoscuro)

Felicity Ann Ryder, Mario Antonio Lopez accompanied the suspect during the blasts that occurred on Tuesday

MEXICO CITY, A woman identified as Australian, Felicity Ann Ryder was arrested after corroborating that she accompanied the suspect who was arrested early Thursday morning after he detonated a homemade explosive device in his hand in the capital city was captured by police in the Del Carmen, Coyoacan.

The woman, who arrived in Mexico on a tourist visa was captured by the statements of Mario Antonio Lopez Hernandez, who revealed that she met the suspect three months ago over the internet.

Ann Ryder is a native of Albury, Australia, and entered Mexico City on December 6, 2011.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General of the Federal District has determined that Mario Antonio Lopez Hernandez and Felicity Ann Ryder participated in the bombings last Tuesday in Tlalpan and Coyoacán delegation.

After his arrest Lopez Hernandez, 27 years old, was found a backpack with clothing similar to that used by the person who perpetrated the attack half hour before the Tlalpan delegation.

“This individual was carrying a backpack with clothes which is very similar to the ones he had on when he planted the bomb in Tlalpan, in images captured by surveillance cameras so we concluded that he participated in another event and then changed his clothes, “said an agent close to the investigation.

Mario Antonio Lopez Hernandez remains in the hospital Ruben Leñero recovering from wounds suffered when an explosive device detonated hurting him a hand and a leg.

He accepted that the artifacts produced with information from internet and bought the material in street markets and supermarkets in the City and State of Mexico.

Lopez Hernandez agreed to belong to an anarchist group and is expected to soon be flunked his home located in the municipality of Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico State.

Experts have reported the dependence of the bombs detonated at both events are the same type.

The device placed in the CFE installations in Tlalpan, only found metallic debris.

The bomb detonated by accident, and the other found in the backpack of Mario Antonio Lopez, were made with tubes known as “nipple” and had a digital clock dial.

On the premises of the CFE, located on the road Picacho Ajusco, at the height of the street Thistles, Miguel Hidalgo colony Extension Section IV, were alluding to the self pints Salvation Front Tenochtitlan.

The suspect told officers who arrested him, which would have placed the bomb in a regional office of the IFE and the PRD building.

The PGJDF exercise criminal action against Mario Antonio Lopez Hernandez and Felicity Ann Ryder on charges of attacks on public order in both cases and property damage in the first event, she petition the court for issuing the warrant.


Posted by on 06/29/2012 in Crime!, Terroism


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Teen forced into prostitution, rescued by PGJEM in Santiago

Teen forced into prostitution, rescued by PGJEM
Teen forced into prostitution, rescued by PGJEM

The under aged 14 year old had been hired as a waitress in a bar called “La Gloria” where the Teen was required to charge 200 pesos for each sexual service she provided

Elements of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM) rescued a 14-year-old who was forced into prostitution in a building where alcoholic beverages in Zumpango expendían.

According to information from the attorney Mexico State, following the report of the disappearance of the child, got an operation in the brewery known as “La Gloria”, located in the neighborhood of Santiago, where they found the victim ingesting alcoholic beverages and waiting for customers who would provide sexual services.

The inquiries revealed that the minor was hired as a waitress, which meant receiving a commission of 30 pesos for every drink to take with customers. In the house were secured in charge of the premises, Veronica “N” “N”, 35, who was paid 200 pesos as commission for each sexual service effected the victim and Jose Abel “N” “N”, 40 years, both linked to trial for the crime of trafficking .

The detainees were brought before the Public Prosecutor, who began the research folder 503540950044412, which was related to the folder 483310360602512, initiated by the missing person report.

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Posted by on 05/02/2012 in Abused Children, Crime!


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Tultitlan- Alleged dealer of the Family arrested by the SSC

Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC

“The Teak” was identified as responsible for the sale and distribution of drugs in the town of Tultitlan, SCC seized an assault rifle and a submachine gun

Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC
Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC


Salvador Neme Sastré, head of the Department of Public Safety (SSC) of the State of Mexico, announced in his account Twitter @ NemeSSC information on the arrest of Juan Luis “N” “N”, aka “Teak” 21 years of age and alleged drug dealer of the criminal organizationLa Familia Michoacana . “

“There is a 21-year old detainee nicknamed” Teak “who claims to work for # LaFamilia and distributes drugs in the region,” said Neme Sastré.

In a statement, the agency reported that the subject was logged in a home located in the Barrio Nativitas Tultitlán municipality where SCC seized an assault rifle and a AR-15 submachine gun 9 mm, two magazines and 66 cartridges of both types gauge, plus 39 envelopes containing marijuana.

The suspect was identified as a member of the criminal organization to monitor who conducted the sale and distribution of drugs in the region.

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Posted by on 04/22/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta- The Flirty recaptured

Serial rapist/killer Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty recaptured They ask for jail time for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta The Flirty

After the recapture of offenders, the Mexican governor, Eruviel Avila said he expects the suspected serial murderer is sentenced to life in prison

MEXICO CITY, March 4. – The Governor of the State of Mexico, Eruviel Villegas Avila, requested life in prison for Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta, The Cozy, who was recaptured yesterday.

“I hope that local and federal courts will allow us to be the first to punish a criminal with a life sentence in the State of Mexico is the least we can ask for this criminal,” said Avila.

In a video message just under two minutes, standing on his Twitter account, Avila Villegas said multihomicida arrest, accused of killing seven women in the State of Mexico and one in Mexico City, shows that the entity ” no impunity and go after the criminals, whoever they are. “

The governor said he offered to families of victims to go with all the force of law “and we’re showing.”

Avila said that the matter does not end with the recapture of femenicida, but are on the trail of the police allowed them to flee, “through negligence or corruption or whatever it was, we do also pay for this responsibility and this lack, “he said.

Finally, the Mexican governor congratulated the Attorney General of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Castillo, and his staff, “given his experience and intelligence enabled them to relearn the femicide“.

Possible for life imprisonment?

In announcing the details of the recapture of former minibus driver, the owner of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), Alfredo Castillo, said that local law reforms recently approved, allow the authority judicial imposition of life in prison for the crime of femicide.

“In this administration passed a law reform under which the Attorney General may request the judicial imposition of prison life by the femicides,” said the official.

Castillo explained, in a press conference that the rearrest of The Cosy was conducted in a residential colony of Malinche, in Magdalena Contreras, DF.

The home is owned by a relative of the alleged femicide, who was cornered by a police operation implemented on site.

Librado Legorreta was delivered, he argued that he was injured and required medical attention.

Later he confessed that he escaped PGJEM facilities in Tlalnepantla, by jumping out a window of the office where he was sheltered.

He was injured when he fell, but managed to reach the homes of his relatives and had the support of several people who he told that he was fleeing a kidnapping.

Castillo said the alleged femicide, at the time of his capture, was shaved and had injuries to his right foot and lumbar spine, all he said, was the injuries were caused by the fall in his escape.

The Cosy was taken to hospital Doctor Nicholas St. John, in Toluca.

Librado Legorreta will undergo medical evaluation to determine if you are able to be admitted to the Prison or be available to the judge in the same hospital.


The Attorney General of the DF (PGJDF) arrested the alleged leaders of the criminal organization Hand-eyed, Marco Antonio Hernandez Garcia, Commander, and John Arthur Casas Rodriguez, The Holiday.

A criminal court judge granted the injunction for 30 days against both individuals and for the four individuals that were arrested.

Early yesterday morning elements Panel Response and Intervention (GERI) of the Police Research, the Center moved to the rootedness of the delegation PGJDF Azcapotzalco located north of Mexico City.

Five days of flight

Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta was arrested for the first time on 23 February by police ministerial Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM), although the State of Mexico authorities announced their detention until 27 February.

That same day, The Cosy , allegedly responsible for raping eight women, seven in the State of Mexico and one in the Federal District and of killing seven of his victims, yet he managed to escape with handcuffs and shackles on the feet.

The Cozy worked as a driver of a minibus with identification number 066, of Route 2 in the State of Mexico, which covered the course in Golden Valley Metro Chapultepec.

According to the modus operandi revealed by the Attorney Mexico State, the microbusero selected his victims when they came to his unit and addressed when left alone.

Through deceit, the serial murderer earned their trust and cheating to deflect the path of the minibus and sexually abusing them.


Criminal history:

– In June 2010, committed his first rape. His victim survived the attack.

– One year after violating and murdering two women, one in Tlalnepantla and one in Cuauhtemoc.

– The November 26, attacks Delia White, whose body is left in Cuautitlan Izcalli.

– The body of Fidelia Ayala was found Dec. 25, in Lake Guadalupe.

– On December 31, a young woman was discovered 18 dead in Mexico-Queretaro highway: it was his sixth victim.

– On January 18, he met Patricia Briano, his last victim.

– On February 23, Edomex ministerial agents are stopped.

– On February 27, disclosed his capture and escape the same day.

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Posted by on 03/04/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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State of Mexico offering a reward of one million pesos for “the Flirty”

TOLUCA, February 29. – Attorney Alfredo Castillo Mexico State will meet in the next few hours with relatives of the victims of Cesar Armando Librado Legorreta, alias “the Flirty responsible for multiple homicides.”

the Flirtatious wanted for Murder and Rape
the Flirtatious wanted for Murder and Rape

The Attorney General of the State of Mexico (PGJEM) also confirmed that offering a reward of one million pesos to anyone providing information leading to the arrest the rapist and murderer of women.

It is expected that the meeting with the families of the young people who were killed by Librado Legorreta will be conducted behind closed doors in the city of Toluca.

The prosecutor said that in the last hours they have investigated 14 homes related to the criminal, where they have located the victim’s belongings.

The office reported that so far they do not have clues as to the whereabouts of the two judicial police who allegedly are related to the escape of the criminal.

The governor instructed the mexiquense Attorney Eruviel Avila, Alfredo Castillo, to facilitate the investigations leading to the recapture of Armando Librado Legorreta, aka “Flirty”, accused of rape and homicide.

In a statement reported that the state government was determined to dismiss the charge of the Commissioner General of the state ministerial police of Mexico, Enrique Dominguez Abasolo, to facilitate investigations into the case and determining if there are more public servants suspected of evasion of arrest.

In addition, Villegas Avila ordered the state prosecutor to speed up the investigation and implement the mechanisms necessary for legal and intelligence gathering to lead to the capture of Saul Antonio Rodrigo Sanchez and Israel Rodriguez, the two policemen at large for whose negligence or complicity, made it was possible for the detainee to escape.

Further instructions were for the Deputy Governor for the Investigation of Crimes Linked to Gender Violence and the prosecutor Alfredo Castillo in the sense of providing all necessary attention to the families of the victims of the fugitive.

The governor also asked the head of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico structural analysis of substance dependence to identify those actions which may need to improve and streamline their work

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Posted by on 03/01/2012 in Corruption at Work!, Crime!


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Ixtapaluca febrero, is one of the most unsafe places in the State of Mexico

Olympic Swimming Pool Fast Lane Category:Outdo...
Image via Wikipedia


MEXICO CITY, 12- the Federal Deputy Maricela Serrano Hernandez said, Ixtapaluca febrero is one of the most unsafe places in the State of Mexico and currently ranks first in auto theft crimes and kidnappings, though it is one of the largest in the state, it is one of the three poorest, to deliver the facilities of a semi olympic pool of the hill tejolote.

“Ixtapaluca is the most insecure of all municipalities, and occupied the first place which is not an honorable thing. To be first in auto theft crimes and kidnappings and the authorities did not invest in sport, do not invest in culture and do not invest in education and employ only policemen who are very poorly equipped “said, Serrano Hernandez.

He noted that Ixtapaluca, is one of the largest areas in the State of Mexico and is a municipality in recent years that has grown considerably, but its budget has grown much less in services.

“Today, we occupy the penultimate position in the distribution of state budget that is allocated to each municipality. The second to last when the contradiction we are the last places of poverty. It’s not fair that our town is in the marginalization, “he said.

Finally he said, that Ixtapaluca has only one public swimming pool, and it is now abandoned so the construction of a semi-Olympic pool this is an opportunity for everyone in Ixtapaluca and is open to the general public.

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Posted by on 02/13/2012 in Corruption at Work!, Politics


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