Tag Archives: medicine

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Obtained from organic waste, human tissue for burns

The biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting tissue regeneration.

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

To be used directly on patients they must be eight years of age or older

Monterrey Tech is developing a biopolymer that acts as a protective antibacterial in burns

MEXICO CITY – In order to provide relief to those who have suffered burns, researchers at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus, working on the implementation of a biodegradable biopolymer that is capable of promoting regeneration tissue.

The material produced in this university is a membrane prepared to act as a protective antibacterial for chemically damaged skin. According to the teacher Mayra Gabriela Brito Charles, project participant, the biopolymer extracted from organic waste. For this, the team has developed a chemical process (currently being patented) through which the material obtained and subjected to chemical processing and washing to remove proteins and other compounds.

The intent of this procedure, the researcher said, is to remove any components which could lead to rejection by the recipient’s body. Besides that the process is optimized to use a minimum amount of water and obtain the biopolymer in the shortest possible time from this material, he explained. The membranes are formed in different sizes with different textures, which are placed over the injured area to accelerate tissue regeneration.

By having a positive charge attracts the biopolymer cells instead of negative. Brito Charles said tests performed so far in cell cultures to determine the time at which the tissue is regenerated and the biodegradation, but noted that the material is different from those on the market which are completely artificial and biocompatible.

He also indicated they expect to test as soon as relevant evidence in animals of animal facilities of the School of Medicine Hospital Medical Center San Jose, the Tecnológico de Monterrey.

However, he acknowledged that the membranes can be used directly on patients who must be over eight years of age, where further tests and meet the guidelines of the Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris).

In addition to this development, the Tec team is working on the creation of another biopolymer that fulfills the same features, but its structure serves as a scaffold for cell culture, which at first instance would be used in the reproduction of soft or hard tissue. It should be noted that both projects have involved by Dr. Jorge Armando Cortez and teacher Rocio Ramirez Gosch Ingram. Thanks to these biopolymers, Protechi created the company, which will market the products and which is the executive director Charles Brown.

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Posted by on 05/14/2012 in Health!


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Childrens day in Acapulco 299 people food poisoned in Guerrero

Children and adults were poisoned by eating Food last Friday during the celebration of Children’s Day at school

food poisoned 299 people in Guerrero

food poisoned 299 people in Guerrero

ACAPULCO, April 30. – On Monday, after taking stock of people who were infected with their stomachs after eating food at the child’s day celebration at a school John R Escudero in the community of the organs, health officials announced there were 285 children and 14 adults who had symptoms of fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

The health sector pointed out that most of them have already been discharged and only 83 children remain hospitalized for observation, most patients were treated at the hospital Renaissance City, General Hospital Ruiz Cortines, ISSSTE, the health center the bodies, and others in clinics and private practices.

Children and adults were poisoned by eating last Friday during the celebration of Children’s Day at school John R Escudero community for the bodies, first poisoned children began to appear from Friday night, then Saturday and Sunday there were more cases to be the figure on Monday afternoon in 299 people affected.

The health secretary Guerrero reiterated that all families pay medical expenses generated by this contingency. It also asked people who were discharged in the event of new symptoms come immediately to public health hospitals.

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Posted by on 05/01/2012 in Health!, Living!


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Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico, – Some 480,000 (24%) of the 2 million births each year in Mexico are to mothers aged 14 to 19 years old, informed the Secretariat (Ministry) of Health Mexico.

Besides a pregnancy at such an early age, increases five times the risk of dying during their obstetric care, the deputy director of Sexual and Reproductive Health National Center for Equity, Gender and Reproductive Health of the Health Ministry, Alejandro Solis Roses said in a statement.

“A pregnancy in an adolescent is considered high risk due to the immaturity of their body, so that puts them at risk for preeclampsia or bleeding, conditions that are among the five leading causes of maternal mortality,” said the expert.

He also warned that there are also implications for newborn health, such as low weight, lung immaturity and temperature control problems, situations threatening the baby’s life.

In the long term consequences of early pregnancy is that many young people see their life project frustrated by having to leave school and enter a restricted labor market many times.

The ministry believes that “over 60% of teenage pregnancies were unintended” by couples, many of which do not use condoms or other methods of control.

“The lack of use of a contraceptive method at first intercourse increases the risk of unplanned pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus and HIV / AIDS , “said the agency.

In this situation Roses Solis claimed that enhance information and programs for teenagers.

“We need to talk to our children about sexuality, as it is an essential part of being human. Report a teenager all sexual behavior has an impact is essential to take informed decisions,” the specialist.

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Posted by on 04/09/2012 in Abused Children


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USA drugs on the rise-oxycodone, the main ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet and Percodan

It triggers addiction to painkillers in the U.S.

Increases the use and abuse of these drugs has coincided with a wave of overdose deaths and robberies of pharmacies

oxycodone, the main ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet and Percodan

oxycodone, the main ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet and Percodan

NEW YORK, April 5. – The sale of the two most popular painkillers offered by prescription in the United States has soared to new areas of the country, according to an analysis.Experts, concerned, consider that the pressure to relieve patients’ pain is unleashing an addiction of epidemic proportions.

Figures from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA, for its acronym in English) show a dramatic increase between 2000 and 2010 in the distribution of oxycodone, the main ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet and Percodan. In some places, sales increased 16 times.

Meanwhile, the distribution of hydrocodone, the key ingredient in Vicodin, Lortab and Norco, is up in Appalachia, the original epicenter of the epidemic of painkillers in the U.S., as in the Midwest.

The increases have coincided with a wave of overdose deaths, pharmacy robberies and other problems in New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Florida and other states. Opioids for pain relief, a category that includes oxycodone and hydrocodone 14800 deaths caused by overdose in 2008 alone, and the number of deaths is increasing, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

All across America, pharmacies received and distributed the equivalent of 69 tons of oxycodone and 42 tons of pure hydrocodone in 2010, according to available statistics. This is enough to give 40 Percocet pills 5 mg and 24 Vicodin 5 mg every person in America.

The DEA records the data from shipments to distributors, pharmacies, and hospitals, medical and educational institutions. Eventually analgesics are administered and sold to patients, but the DEA does not record how much you receive each patient individually.

The increase is partly due to the pains of aging population and a greater willingness of doctors to relieve pain, said Gregory Bunt, medical director at the chain of clinics for the treatment of addictions Daytop Village in New York.

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Posted by on 04/06/2012 in Crime!, Drug Abuse


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University of Pittsburgh 9 victims seven wounded and two dead

PITTSBURGH, March 9. – At least two people were killed and seven wounded yesterday due to a shooting at a psychiatric clinic in a Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh, hospital officials said.

Shooting 9 victims 2 dead University of Pittsburgh

Shooting 9 victims 2 dead University of Pittsburgh

“All we know is that there were 9 victims of the shooting and that there are two dead, one of them was the shooter. This is all the information we have at this time, Paul Wood, spokesman for the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC), the psychiatric clinic where the shooting occurred.

Wood said police reported that one of the deceased was the aggressor.

He said the hospital is treating patients and victims of the incident, to ensure that the concerned hospital and other hospitals of the institution are kept safe.

At first the authorities were seeking a second suspect, but said the medical center, officials said, was just one.

A police tactical team arrived at the scene. The street was closed and the area was filled with police. Most students are on spring break, but the offices and buildings have were open.

The police meanwhile said the shooting began in the area of Diagnosis and Psychiatric Evaluation, “one of the safest areas of the building,” said a worker. You have to go through a scanner to go in there, the guards cannot carry weapons and visitors should leave all their belongings.

The Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh reported that some patients received by the shooting, but did not say how many or what his state of health.

Pete Finelli, who lives two blocks from the clinic and worked here as a student assistant, reported that security guards are always on the side of the building where it is believed that the shooting occurred.

The patient rooms are on upper floors, he said, but on the first floor had to be someone to be admitted or discharged.

“The only place where a person would be on the first floor is the emergency room,” he added.

Pittsburgh sent an email and text alerts just after 2 pm to warn people of the shooting.

“Armed person has been identified in the Western Psychiatric Institute. Several wounded. In clinical possible second attacker. We recommend closing until further notice. If you can safely pass this message to others, “the alert said.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC, for its acronym in English) denied the gunman kept captive hostages inside the psychiatric clinic.

“Despite various reports and messages through Twitter, the police reported no hostage situation at the UPMC Presby or the Western Psych / WPIC,” said spokesman WPIC.

The University of Pittsburgh in Oakland, WPIC, and Public School Academy of Science and Technology of Pittsburgh were closed.

Violence Increases

Three people, including an official of the security forces were injured on Wednesday afternoon in a shooting outside a court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and United States. The attacker, the officer and a woman passing by were hospitalized.

On 27 February, three students dead and three wounded was the result of the shooting that occurred at the Institute of Chardon, Ohio. The alleged shooter, a student center, was arrested.

“It was all just cops’

Two hours later, police and other authorities circulated inside and outside the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic ((WPIC) while some high school students and high school, who had attended a robot competition, was still at the Petersen Events Center the second floor.

“Some licked their ice cream,” said But all doors were closed, the clinic staff that was near the lobby was ordered to stay away from windows, and none of the workers could enter or leave until police give permission.

Everything was “cops and more cops,” said a worker who was repairing the roof of a nearby hotel.

One woman, who did not give her name, said she and other nurses at the clinic were returning from lunch when another woman shouted at them not to enter the building.

“This woman said someone was firing shots in the lobby on the first floor and at least five people were shot, including a police officer of Pitt (Pittsburgh), who was hit while walking through the front door. She said she was grateful that she and her friends had stopped before entering the hospital.

“A few seconds later and would have been in the lobby “, told the Post-Gazette.

On the steps outside of WPIC, part of the medical school at the University of Pittsburgh, there were people waiting for the latest reports on a friend who worked at the famous clinic that receives 250 to 300 patients a day

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Posted by on 03/09/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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