Tag Archives: medical unit

Nicolas Romero-Mexico Children abandoned in the cold by mother!


Three smal children abandoned by Mother

Three smal children abandoned by Mother

In the Federal District it was past midnight, and the sound of the swings, in the park caught the attention of the residents of the street El Catorce, in the colony Nicolas Romero.  

Three children had been abandoned by their mother. The mother had said she would return for them but after several hours, did not appear. Despite them having warm jackets, the cold eventually prevented them from having fun. They were quiet, waiting as told. Amaranta, the mother was not available at press time, her whereabouts unknown.

Clara Sofia is 5 years old, and seemed to take responsibility for his siblings: Jose Luis, 3 and Raphael one. She talked to the neighbors, police and rescue workers, and said that her mother told them to go to see their dad and would return for them.

Realizing they were alone, the neighbors requested assistance from the Civil Protection Unit (UPC) Consulate, located in the Venustiano Carranza. Police officers; Conde Maria Teresa Rodriguez and Arturo Vazquez Gonzalez took over and called an ambulance.

The Paramedics Rescue Squad and Medical Unit (ERUM) reviewed and reported that the children are healthy and transferred them to the Support Center for Missing Persons and Absent (CAPEA) of the Attorney General of the Federal District (PGJDF).

In the afternoon, a man who claimed to be the uncle of the children appeared before the Public Ministry to claim them.



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Posted by on 02/04/2012 in Crime!


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