Tag Archives: La Junta Colorado

Student 16, kills his PE Instructor, because he could not stand him

According to the investigation, on August 20 relatives of the deceased went to report him missing in the town of La Junta

The state Attorney reported the arrest of two students, one of them just 16 years old, who killed his P.E. Instructor.

The state government issued a statement reported the arrest of Hazael Ever Bustillos Tello, 22, and the youngest Daniel, 16, for being allegedly responsible for killing his physical education teacher, Manuel Camacho Delgado, 40, who was also a councilor in the municipality of Guerrero.

According to the investigation, on August 20 relatives of the deceased went to report him missing in the town of La Junta, Guerrero Township.

Later on August 21, in an interview with the sisters of the victim, the Police Investigating narrated his brother Manuel Camacho Delgado was a professor of physical education at various schools, “lived much with his students, as their house was always full of young students.”

However, they stressed that the teacher hosted a young man named Hazael Ever Bustillos for almost two years which held him financially, bought him clothes and “other needs covered, until last June when he left home because he had problems and hit Mr. Young, which was repeated on 17 August.”

That’s when the investigating officers came to the home of Bustillos Tello, same as was provided by the sisters of the deceased.

Moments later the young man stood up to 74 and Eagle streets, where police identified him and began asking him questions regarding the whereabouts of Manuel Camacho.

In the interview the young said that on Saturday August 18 Manuel came for him to board his vehicle around 9 pm to the street, to walk a while in the center, then went to dinner and walked with the cousin , Daniel 16.

Spontaneously Young told police that he and his cousin Manuel Camacho had killed him “because they no longer could stand him, he was murdered, and placed in the trunk of the car and then threw his body near the museum and Mennonite left the car on Seventh Street. “

Investigating officers rushed to the scene where they found a corpse at kilometer 10 of the Commercial Corridor Cuauhtémoc Alvaro Obregon, through a gap near the museum, while at 7 and Reform was located the car belonging to the victim parked and properly closed.

Once the autopsy by the medical examiner, it was established that the cause of death was severe head trauma caused by blows, also had 48 to 72 hours without life, and the location of the find was not lost his life where the victim.

Both suspects were turned over to prosecutors, who integrates research folder to put detainees before the Judge of Guarantees, both adult and juvenile offenders, where they settled their legal status.

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Posted by on 08/23/2012 in Crime!


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