Tag Archives: Human Rights Commission

Mexico, 16 000 children are exploited sexually: NHRC

Child Sexual exploitation
Child Sexual exploitation

The National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) demanded to strengthen joint action to combat trafficking in persons, as in Mexico 16 thousand children are enslaved for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

In a statement, the national autonomous body identified poverty, marginalization, unemployment and ignorance, as some of the main conditions that encourage trafficking in persons in the country.

He explained that the Palermo Protocol and the Law to Prevent and Punish Trafficking in Persons are two legal instruments available to the country to tackle trafficking and both require comprehensive public policies implemented to reduce the vulnerability of the victims.

To the CNDH is necessary to promote social and economic initiatives for mitigating factors such as poverty, marginalization, lack of opportunity, unemployment, ignorance, family breakdown, domestic violence, inequality and addiction, especially conditions that encourage trafficking in people in Mexico.

child trafficking world map

child trafficking world map

The national ombudsman said to be strengthening prevention campaigns to alert potential victims and avoid being caught by traffickers.

Also, ensure that victims currently suffer from this crime are rescued, protected and cared for in a comprehensive manner with full respect for human rights, he said.

In this case, the CNDH reported that through its Programme Against Trafficking carries out various activities to raise awareness of this phenomenon thoroughly and encourage all stakeholders to combat a comprehensive and effective.

Thus, in 2011 made more than 200 case actions which directly trained over 20,200 people, including public servants from the three spheres of government.

It also set up and coordinated the work they perform thirteen Regional Committees against Trafficking in people in various parts of the country.

The commission called on the authorities to redouble efforts to promote employment and educational progress to abate the conditions of vulnerability and to strengthen joint action to combat international crime that captures 2.5 million people each year

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Posted by on 02/02/2012 in Crime!, Human Trafficking


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Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) has faced 2,000 assaults

The Army is not responsible for the deaths that have been generated in the fight against organized crime, said the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA).

The assembly called false statements of individuals or groups who say the military elements are responsible for all deaths that have been generated in the country in the national strategy against criminal organizations related to drug trafficking.

SEDENA faced over 2,000 assaults
SEDENA faced over 2,000 assaults

So far in six years the military are responsible for 2,268 criminal suspects having died after confrontations that have had with members of criminal groups.

The military’s, to give a balance on the actions of the army in operations against organized crime and drug trafficking, said that 948 thousand attacks have so far of six years, two thousand 268 attackers dead, 348 wounded criminal suspects, 126 dead soldiers and 744 wounded military elements.

Brigadier General Ricardo Trejo Trevilla, Coordinator of Social Communication of the Ministry of National Defense, said that human rights were respected in all special operations carried out by the armed forces. Proof of this is that from December 1, 2006 to November 29, 2011, of the five thousand 962 complaints have been lodged with the Human Rights Commission against this secretariat, only 92 cases have resulted in recommendations for federal agency.

The army said that as part of the overall strategy of the Mexican state against drug trafficking and organized crime remains 45 000 troops deployed to achieving the seizure of more than 575 thousand tons of marijuana, an amount that would have been sufficient to provide more than one dose This unnerving to everyone on the planet, this only as samples of many actions that have been held the military in the country.

Military elite crime-fighting risks and leads

The Mexican army has about five thousand members of the elite group called Special Forces Airmobile Group who are currently leading the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking.

In Temamatla, State of Mexico, they are trained at the risk of losing their lives in any of its interventions are listed for all professional in combat tactics.

Mentally and physically strong men, who remain permanently to train for five years in barracks.

These soldiers are able to perform high precision operations to achieve the rescue of victims or even to practice their skills on land, water and air to safeguard the internal security of the country in case of a threat as terrorist acts.

One of the instructors of the elite group said: “We received requests from the staff just want to volunteer, but mostly they want to be subjected to risk. Enter and the first thing that is submitted is a basic course, then comes the expertise we have courses of intervention, terrorism against snipers, among others. “

The elements that belong to the elite group are selected precisely because they have to be strong men not only physical but also psychological and mental health, as they are subjected to extreme training that involves successfully carry out actions in urban areas semi-urban, jungle, desert, water and inhospitable places where you have to grapple.

According to the Ministry of National Defense, the group of elite Mexican army is trained with a protocol which created the institute reinforced according to the needs and problems of Mexican territory.

Given the effort and constant training of the military, the National Defense Secretariat stated that it is a myth that criminals are better equipped than the military element, because although drug traffickers have been armed with sophisticated equipment do not have the discipline or the professionalism with which they are trained military elements to carry out high-impact operations.

The institute said that no armed military desertion of elite groups and the general level has been reduced by 45 per cent drop of elements in the military ranks


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Posted by on 12/20/2011 in Crime Watch


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