Tag Archives: Houston

Texas Authorities accuse Mexican group for money laundering

Four people associated with the organization have been arrested and six others remain at large


A group of at least six Mexicans and three Americans accused by Texas authorities for two years offered a “service” comprehensive money laundering scheme, bank transfers, to clients living in Mexico.

According to authorities, the Mexicans are alleged to have operated in Houston, Texas, a “company” dedicated to illegal money laundering for customers who need to get in Mexico, Mexican pesos, large amounts of cash they received in this country.

According to the indictment of a grand jury before the Federal District Court in Houston Southeast Texas, partially declassified on Thursday, the “company” offered between October 2009 and September 2011, a full service and transfer of money laundering for their “clients” through a pattern of “outsourcing”.

According to preliminary investigations, the group would have sent the U.S. to Mexico about 27 million.

The documents submitted to the court detailing the “company” was in charge of collecting the dollars in cash, anywhere in the United States designated by the customer, for which he used his own vehicles and drivers, even a small plane.

The indictment said the money was then transferred to his office and operations center in Houston, which was deposited in various bank accounts owned by shell companies, to transfer to banks or exchange houses in Mexico.

Once there, members of the “company” in Mexico, negotiated with financial institutions a preferential exchange rate from dollars to pesos.

Money converted to Mexican pesos and was then handed over to the persons indicated by its customers, to a favorable exchange rate for the organization.

The “company” charged a fee for their service and received an extra income by favorable conversions from dollars to pesos.

Four people associated with the organization have been arrested and six others remain at large, and is believed to be hiding in Mexico.

Among those arrested was Mexican Enrique Morales, who is identified in the indictment as co-owner of the “company” and coordinator of the same operations in the United States.

Morales was arrested in Laredo, Texas, last August shortly before three U.S. members or employees of the “company” were arrested in Houston and Dallas. They were identified as Anthony Foster, Willie Whitehurst and Sarah Combs.

Foster, a former police officer fired for corruption of Houston in 2009, and his nephew Whitehurst operated as drivers by making transfers of cash to Houston. Both were arrested carrying amounts in excess of $ 200,000.

Combs served as the office manager in Houston and is accused of transmitting the orders of their leaders to other employees.

The names of the other five Mexicans listed in the indictment were not disclosed in the declassified documents.

However, it was stated that one of them managed the organization’s operations in Mexico and the rest would be in charge of recruiting customers to sell their services.

The others listed are arrested and charged with money laundering, conspiracy to commit money laundering and conspiracy to defraud the United States. None of them is accused of drug trafficking.

Similarly, the accusation made without identifying the organization’s clients and declined to say whether they were members of a drug cartel in Mexico.

The only complaint is presumed that the dollar amounts of cash were obtained by customers of the organization by “illegal activities”.

In the documents filed in federal court, prosecutors in the division of Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture Justice Department, asking that the defendants be forced to pay the government 27 million $ 492,000, the amount that would have been handled during operation of the company.

They also requested the government to take possession of $ 350,000 in Texas found inside a car of the organization and another 220 000 $ 980, located in another vehicle in North Carolina.

Prosecutors also asked for the seizure of a Piper “Turbo Lance II” automobile used for moving and transported the cash.

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Posted by on 09/22/2012 in Crime!, Money Laundering


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Islamist group Hezbollah, terrorist arrested in Merida sent to USA

He was arrested in the United States and obtained his release, returning to Lebanon, but he had a problem with the law

The US had him in custody but let him go! What kind of Security is the US Running. Must someone be killed before they wake up again!

He was arrested in the United States and obtained his release, returning to Lebanon, but he had a problem with the law

The INM identified him yesterday as being Rafic M. Labboun, and reported that no other person of Lebanese origin was presented

MERIDA, The delegation of the National Migration Institute (INM) confirmed that the suspected terrorist Rafic M. Labboun, identified as leader of the Islamist group Hezbollah, was already sent to the U.S. following his arrest last weekend in this city.

Labboun, who was located in the popular subdivision Francisco de Montejo, the northwest of this city, was transferred to the U.S. yesterday, just hours after being arrested along with three others.

The foreigner was taken to federal custody Merida international airport and put on a commercial flight with Officers for the city of Houston Texas.

Upon arriving in Houston, Mexican agents turned him over to U.S. immigration authorities and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

The INM identified him from terror suspects arrested yesterday, and reported that no other person of Lebanese origin as presented, but not identified.

Staff explained that the delegation will be the headquarters of the institute which will forward information on this fact and the fate of three other detainees.

Rafic M. Labboun-who is called “Rafic Haij” – had a false passport and was arrested by officers from elite state Public Security Secretariat of Planning (SSP) and the INM.

The suspect, 44, was born in Lebanon and later settled in the United States, where he completed college in California, but later faced legal problems of a financial nature, in which the organization was involved with Hezbollah.

He was arrested in the United States and obtained his release, returning to Lebanon, but he had a problem with the law and violating his probation left the country and went to Central America where he arrived in Mexico with false immigration documents.


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Posted by on 09/11/2012 in Crime!, Terroism


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Twenty men Implicated in violation of under age girls in Liberty, Texas

English: Map of Liberty County, Texas highligh...

English: Map of Liberty County, Texas highlighting Liberty (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A man who is part of a group of twenty that allegedly repeatedly, sexually assaulted, an 11-year-old …

in a case that has shocked and divided a small Texas town, has pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

Marcus Porchia was sentenced earlier this month to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to one count of sexual assault of a minor as part of a plea agreement, according to court records. Porchia is the second to plead guilty among 14 adults charged in the case.

Porchia was facing a life sentence in prison. Porchia’s sentence will be in accordance with a period of 15 years behind bars he received in February for a conviction of sexual assault against another girl in a different case.

The man, 27 years age, has agreed to testify against other defendants, whose trials have not yet been scheduled. Prosecutors are not commenting on the case because of a gag order. Porchia’s attorney, Tyrone Moncriffe did not immediately return a phone call.

Another adult defendant, Isaiah Ross, 22, pleaded guilty in December. Prosecutors have recommended a period of 15 years in prison for Ross, who still awaits sentencing. Authorities say the girl was attacked at least five occasions between mid-September and early December 2010 in Cleveland, about 45 miles northeast of Houston.

The investigation began that December, after one of the friends of the girl told a teacher she had seen a lurid video of cell in which it appeared the girl being raped in an abandoned trailer. Six young men were also charged, and five of them have pleaded guilty.

The suspects include an age range from a high school student to 28 years old, and included two star athletes from the local and other adults with criminal records. Most of the accused men face charges of aggravated sexual assault of a minor, while four of them face charges of continuous sexual abuse of a minor.

The case began in Cleveland looks very bad terms, after about 9 thousand residents from the village suggest that the girl in partly to blame for what had happened, claiming she wore makeup and appeared to be older. Some of them even accused the girl’s parents who are immigrants from Mexico, for not having watched her more closely. But such suggestions were harshly criticized by many residents of Cleveland, along with community and religious groups in other locations.

Another thing also complicated the case was the belief of many residents that the neighborhood is predominantly inhabited by African Americans, where several of the suspects lived; the arrests were motivated by a racial issue. All suspects are black, while the girl is Hispanic.

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Posted by on 06/19/2012 in Abused Children, Crime!


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Mexican cartel activity has already affected five continents

Mexican Drug Cartel Activity affects 5 continents
Mexican Drug Cartel Activity affects 5 continents

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 26. – The Mexican cartel activity has already affected five continents. Last year alone, 41 countries reported to the federal government on the detention of nearly three thousand nationals involved in drug trafficking. This is mainly so-called burreros carrying between 500 grams and five kilos of narcotics.

According to the document protection cases handled by the Mexico consular diplomatic network in the world of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), most are in the U.S.. However, there are cases in countries as far away as Egypt, China, Turkey, Greece and New Zealand.

The report, indicated that two thousand 892 Mexicans were arrested abroad and had requested legal assistance from their consulates. From these numbers, two thousand 147 requests come from the United States, and the remaining 745, from 40 other countries.

It also details how from 2007 to 2010, ten thousand 198 U.S. territory captured requested consular support, and notes that 90 percent of those arrested are men.

Spain is the second largest Mexican in that situation, with 115 cases, followed by Peru with 107, Panama, 96.

Other nations are Japan with 40, France with 20, Australia, with 11 cases; Malaysia, with three prisoners and Egypt, with a Mexican arrested for alleged drug crimes.

Mexican drug reaches 5 continents

The activity of the Mexican cartels already reached five continents. Only in 2011, 41 countries reported to the federal government on the detention of nearly three thousand nationals involved in drug trafficking, especially burreros carrying between 500 grams and five kilos of narcotics. Most were arrested in the U.S., but there are civilians arrested in China, Turkey, Egypt and New Zealand.

According to the document protection cases handled by the Mexican consular diplomatic network in the world , prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), to which Excelsior was accessed, a total of 2 thousand 147 Mexicans detained in the United States requested legal assistance from the Mexican consulate after being arrested for alleged drug crimes. The remaining 745 cases occurred in 40 other nations.

The report discusses the number of Mexicans detained in the United States and requested consular assistance between 2007 and 2010, which amounts to 10 000 198 nationals.

Of these, 90 percent were men (nine thousand 193 cases) and 10 percent female (one thousand five cases). The city with the most cases was Houston, Texas, with 284 thousand, the second, San Diego, California, with 730 and the third Albuquerque, New Mexico, 440.

On so-called burreros , the deputy director general of protection policies, the general direction of protection of Mexicans abroad Foreign Ministry Bernachi Alfonso Navarro said: “There have been many cases where we see that they tell people ‘ hey, I give five thousand dollars for bringing this package to a specific airport in the world ‘, and it turns out later accused of crimes end up in remote countries. “

Many of these people even travel without telling your family. Bernachi Navarro said that the Foreign Ministry preventive campaigns in the reporting of the risks of lending to drug trafficking. In his office there is a sign with a happy, with suitcase in hand and a globe on his back with the legend “Do not take a trip ‘all paid’.”

Prison sentences in the United States vary depending on the state concerned and the amount of drug that leads the person but can range from five to over 20.

In turn, Dr. Jose Maria Ramos, director of the Department of Public Administration Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, said that increased incarceration of Mexicans in the United States has to do with it continues to grow drug trafficking and cartels Mexicans continue to hire or forcing immigrants to take loads of drugs to cross the border.

Foreign Ministry figures refer only to cases of people who sought consular assistance from Mexico, but there may be many more, as there are Mexicans who do not seek help, some because they want their family will find out or because they have prior criminal record. In other cases the authority of the country that fails to warn stops are entitled to consular assistance to Mexican authorities.

In requesting aid, personal protection area for Mexicans Abroad Mexican Consulate interview with them and gives them to know what their rights are, in the case of the U.S., explains that they will have a public defender and in specific cases are given support to a member of the External legal assistance program (PALE).

According to Navarro Bernachi in the United States the authority provides a form where the detainee must be marked with an X whether or not to receive assistance from the Mexican consulate, this according to the Vienna Convention on consular law, but there are also cases in that the U.S. authority does not comply with this obligation


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Houston-suicide after stabbing 4 four year old girl!


English: Rear entrance of the South Houston Po...
Image via Wikipedia

Houston – A South Houston man committed suicide after a standoff with police, authorities said. The man, suspected of stabbing a 4 years old girl, caused a chase that lasted 30 minutes before he hid in his home home, located in the 7900 block of Airport Road, near Brookvalley.

At noon, SWAT officers entered the building, said spokeswoman Houston Police Department, Jodi Silva. They found a corpse of a man who allegedly died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Apparently the man and the mother of the deceased discussed this in a house located southeast of the city around nine o’clock said Silva.

Apparently the child was with them during the fight and was stabbed with a knife in the neck. Police did not say what the girl’s relationship was with the man or why the brawl started. The girl was taken to Texas Children’s Hospital with injuries, but is expected to survive.


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Posted by on 02/04/2012 in Crime!


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