Tag Archives: HIV

Hiv or hepatitis 7000 possibly infected in Oklahoma

A dental clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma ,  reported 7000 patients may be at risk of having been infected in their facilities with HIV or hepatitis in the past six years.

Are you one of the 7000

Are you one of the 7000

Health authorities in Oklahoma State reported that the affected persons should be tested, after checking that the instruments used in the clinic had not been sterilized properly for years.

They also asserted that the doctor responsible for the dental clinic is cooperating in the investigation.

According to CBS, the alert is triggered when one of the patients tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and hepatitis, despite not having been exposed to risks. The investigation led to the source of infection clinic of Dr. Scott Harrington.

The state health department said the investigation found that the clinic there were “numerous and serious violations of sanitary laws and safety standards” in dental practice.

Thousands of patients could have been infected with HIV or hepatitis B and C since 2007 and have asked authorities notified to undergo tests to dispel doubts, since those infected may not experience symptoms for years.

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Posted by on 03/29/2013 in Crime!, Health!


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bee venom can kill the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have demonstrated that a toxin called melittin found in bee venom can destroy HIV by poking holes in the envelope surrounding the virus, according to a news release sent out by Washington University.

Visit Washington University’s website to read more about the study.

Is a bee the cure for HIV?

Is a bee the cure for HIV?

Bee venomNanoparticles smaller than HIV were infused with the bee venom toxin, explains U.S. News & World Report. A “protective bumper” was added to the nanoparticle’s surface, allowing it to bounce off normal cells and leave them intact. Normal cells are larger than HIV, so the nanoparticles target HIV, which is so small it fits between the bumpers.

Melittin on the nanoparticles fuses with the viral envelope,” said research instructor Joshua L. Hood, MD, PhD, via the news release. “The melittin forms little pore-like attack complexes and ruptures the envelope, stripping it off the virus.” Adding, “We are attacking an inherent physical property of HIV. Theoretically, there isn’t any way for the virus to adapt to that. The virus has to have a protective coat, a double-layered membrane that covers the virus.”

This revelation can lead to the development of a vaginal gel to prevent the spread of HIV and, it seems, an intravenous treatment to help those already infected. “Our hope is that in places where HIV is running rampant, people could use this gel as a preventive measure to stop the initial infection,” said Hood.

The bee venom HIV study was published on Thursday in the journal Antiviral Therapy, according to U.S. News & World Report.

This study comes on the heels of news that a Mississippi baby with HIV has apparently been cured. The mother was diagnosed with HIV during labor and the baby received a three-drug treatment just 30 hours after birth, before tests confirmed the infant was infected. The child, now 2 years old, has been off medication for about a year and shows no sign of infection.

More than 34 million people are living with HIV/AIDS worldwide, according to amFAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research. Of these, 3.3 million are under the age of 15 years old. Each day, almost 7,000 people contract HIV around the globe.

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Posted by on 03/10/2013 in Health!, Living!


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Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico birthrates 24 percent attributed to mothers aged between 14-19 years old

Mexico, – Some 480,000 (24%) of the 2 million births each year in Mexico are to mothers aged 14 to 19 years old, informed the Secretariat (Ministry) of Health Mexico.

Besides a pregnancy at such an early age, increases five times the risk of dying during their obstetric care, the deputy director of Sexual and Reproductive Health National Center for Equity, Gender and Reproductive Health of the Health Ministry, Alejandro Solis Roses said in a statement.

“A pregnancy in an adolescent is considered high risk due to the immaturity of their body, so that puts them at risk for preeclampsia or bleeding, conditions that are among the five leading causes of maternal mortality,” said the expert.

He also warned that there are also implications for newborn health, such as low weight, lung immaturity and temperature control problems, situations threatening the baby’s life.

In the long term consequences of early pregnancy is that many young people see their life project frustrated by having to leave school and enter a restricted labor market many times.

The ministry believes that “over 60% of teenage pregnancies were unintended” by couples, many of which do not use condoms or other methods of control.

“The lack of use of a contraceptive method at first intercourse increases the risk of unplanned pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections such as human papillomavirus and HIV / AIDS , “said the agency.

In this situation Roses Solis claimed that enhance information and programs for teenagers.

“We need to talk to our children about sexuality, as it is an essential part of being human. Report a teenager all sexual behavior has an impact is essential to take informed decisions,” the specialist.

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Posted by on 04/09/2012 in Abused Children


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An Education for Cocaine Users!

Just one more Drag!

Generally cocaine users consume a range of other psychoactive drugs as well. There appears to be very little “pure” cocaine use, and few people initially experiment with cocaine: most cocaine users have a prior history of drug use, and often an extensive history of polydrug use. Globally, cocaine users tend to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol, frequently smoke cannabis, and, to a lesser extent, take benzodiazepines and other illicit drugs. Countries such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Zimbabwe note the use of alcohol with cocaine either to moderate the effects of cocaine or to reduce negative after-effects. These and other countries report the use of cannabis to reduce negative cocaine reactions. Australia, Nigeria, and The Russian Federation report that alcohol and tobacco are used with cocaine to enhance the pleasurable effects of the drug.

Australia and The Republic of Korea note the use of amphetamine and cocaine together to enhance the effects of each drug, and The Netherlands reports the use of “speedballs”, a combination of heroin and cocaine injected together. In South American countries, coca paste is often smoked with tobacco or cannabis, with alcohol, and sometimes with hallucinogens. The majority of coca leaf chewers in Peru do not use it with any other substances, while about a third regularly mix it with alcohol and tobacco use.

Overall, fewer people in participating countries have used cocaine than have used alcohol, tobacco or cannabis. Also, in most countries, cocaine is not the drug associated with the greatest level of harm. Other illicit drugs viewed as more problematic than cocaine are amphetamines (Australia, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Sweden), inhalants (Bolivia, Brazil), benzodiazepines (Brazil), heroin (Egypt, the Maldives), “cheaper and more available drugs (The Russian Federation). The general public in most of the countries surveyed are reportedly poorly informed about cocaine-related harm or drug-related harm in general: specifically, there is little knowledge about the role played by drugs such as alcohol in causing problems usually associated with cocaine use.

Use of cocaine leads to feelings of enhanced energy and may lead to greater stamina, confidence and creativity, though users have mixed feelings about the effect of cocaine use on work. The most common acute problem related to cocaine use is overdose, though these overdoses are often a combination of cocaine with other substances such as alcohol and minor tranquillisers. Death due to cardiac arrest is cited but it is very rare.

Negative physical consequences most commonly reported from cocaine use include: appetite and weight loss, sinus problems, perforated nasal septum, scarring and collapsed veins with injection, and cardiovascular, pulmonary or nervous system damage. Cocaine use in pregnancy has been associated with birth defects, including anecdotal accounts of deformed children.

Cocaine use is associated with impulsive acts which can lead to accidents. However, cocaine users are not thought to be generally at higher risk of accidents, with the possible exception of road accidents among high-dosage regular users who drive trucks.

The USA country profile notes there are widespread myths but few scientific studies of the relationship between cocaine and sexual behaviour. Respondents in two-thirds of the sites agreed that low doses of cocaine intensify sexual pleasure and performance and prolong orgasm, particularly in males. Most sites also report that males regularly offer cocaine to seduce females or (less often) other males, as it is thought to reduce inhibitions.

Some Barcelona and New York informants believe claims that cocaine use enhances sex are a myth. Reports from around half the sites stress that prolonged and high doses of cocaine can produce diminished libido and impotence, though alcohol use may also play a role in this. Regular, high-dose male users reportedly encounter difficulty achieving erection and orgasm. A small number of centres such as Ibadan and Sao Paulo claim that cocaine regularly suppresses sexual behaviour. The sexual behaviour of users warrants fresh study to eliminate sexual and gender stereotypes.

Cocaine use is associated with increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and increased HIV transmission, both sexually and via needle sharing. Even occasional cocaine use can lead to impaired judgement, increased risk of unsafe sex, and chaotic sexual behaviour. Although rare, this behaviour can lead to the transmission of HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. Also, the spread of HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other blood-borne infections is a particular concern among injecting cocaine users. Access to injecting equipment varies enormously across the participating countries, with the result that injectors in some areas consistently use new or cleaned needles and syringes while others face great difficulties in acquiring sterile equipment.


Posted by on 09/14/2011 in Crime!, Drug Abuse


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