Tag Archives: Hillary Rodham Clinton

What cease fire, The Hamas have already broken it!

What cease fire, The Hamas have already broken it!

Israel stopped , Yet the Hamas launched attacks after truce

Israel stop the fire ordered by the truce with Hamas, however there are reports that rockets were fired at the Jewish state

JERUSALEM,  Israel ordered its army to stop the fire towards the Gaza Strip in regards to the truce with the Hamas, however there are reports that several rockets were fired at the Jewish state after the agreement came into force .

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), through its representative Yoav Mordechai, confirmed tonight that were ordered to cease fire and act except to respond to provocations from the Palestinian territory. “We are waiting,” said the representative.

“We will be inactive if no fire on civilians or our troops, but if any answer,” he said Mordechai, who after praising the military operation against armed Palestinian groups, held that this evidence of deterrence will be measured in the coming hours.

However, the fragility of the truce mediated by Egypt and announced was evident tonight, because in the space of an hour, after the entry into force of the ceasefire, was reported rocket fire from Gaza.

Israeli police said at least 12 rockets were fired into the Jewish state, and although he did not mention the site or were intercepted, said caused no damage or casualties, according to reports in local newspaper The Jerusalem Post .

The possibility of a truce to end the armed conflict between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), was announced the day before, but still did not respond Tel Aviv and accepted the ceasefire until Wednesday.

In a press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Cairo, the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Mohamed Kamel Amr, announced this afternoon and said the truce would take effect at 09:00 am local (19:00 GMT).

Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal, said the “victory” of the Islamist group on Israel and said the Jewish state had “failed in his quest” to launch attacks on Gaza, as Palestinians had accepted the terms.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip also reacted with joy to the announcement of the truce and took to the streets of the country to celebrate the “victory of Hamas” while similar celebrations took place in several West Bank towns.

Many Palestinians fired in the air, others kissed the ground, some drivers honking their cars and women wailed, while a more distributed sweets and kisses in jubilation by the cease-fire, which threatened to flare up.

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Posted by on 11/22/2012 in The Face of Evil


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Somali Islamists propose reward of 10 camels for the head of Obama

Somali Islamists “The Shabab” reward 10 camels for the head of Obama

Somali Islamists offered 10 camels for the head of Obama
Somali Islamists offered 10 camels for the head of Obama

For the head of Hillary Clinton there is less reward, only 10 hens and 10 roosters

MEXICO CITY, – The Shabab, an organization that controls much of Somalia, offered a reward of 10 camels to catch the U.S. President Barack Obama, according to Russia Today on its website.

The reward is in retaliation for the U.S. Governments offer of $ 33 million to catch the leaders of the Islamic group.

In recent days the U.S. State Department blamed Shabab for “killing thousands of Somali civilians, activists, international workers, journalists and peace of the African Union” and offered rewards of up to $ 7 million for the founder Ahmed Abdi aw- Mohamed.

The group is linked to Al-Qaeda by Western media reports.

Fuad Mohamed Khalaf defended the reward citing an incident in the Koran which offered 100 camels for the prophet Muhammad’s head.

But is Obamas’ head worth 10 camels is the question and 10 hens and 10 roosters for the head of Hillary Clinton?

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Posted by on 06/12/2012 in Politics, So What!


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Politicizing the Internet!

The Politicalization of the Internet by the USA
The politicization of the Internet by the USA

The mass unrest that destabilized a some Mideast nations in the spring of 2011 was the first real-life demonstration of how powerful a tool the Internet can be in terms of influencing the internal affairs of a sovereign state. Social networks and blog platforms proved a highly efficient means for dispersing information and dispatching voluntary protesters in order to stage rallies and even riots. The American political elite were quick to recognize the new opportunity and use it.

On 16 May 2011, the US administration published a new document on its official website titled The US International Strategy for Cyberspace. The document laid out guidelines for American diplomacy in shaping a US-friendly global media environment using cyber technologies. In essence, the policy document outlined Washington’s new doctrine of media intervention, which emphasizes the Internet as a key component for shaping perceptions worldwide and manipulating global public opinion.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked in a public address on 18 May 2011: “Freedom of the Internet is an important priority for us. We want to ensure better protection for privacy through common efforts, and secure the basic freedoms of expression, association and assembly everywhere, including online.”Furthermore, Mrs. Clinton stressed this priority as a new foreign policy imperative for the US Department of State.

English: The United States Esperanto: Loko de ...

Image via Wikipedia

To that end, a special Cyber-security Office was created within the US National Security Staff, headed by a specially-appointed Cyber-security Coordinator, former NSS official Chris Painter.

The new doctrine was tested in Moscow last December, when Facebook, a US-based social network, was actively employed while summoning Russia’s dissenters to rallies in the wake of a parliamentary election. So-called “Team Facebook” essentially distributed appeals to support the opposition in staging anti-government protests in Russian cities. It was by no means accidental that social networks became the main means for preparing and publicizing opposition rallies, with tens of thousands of people manifesting their intention to participate in the protests. Quite tellingly, 70 per cent of them happened to be Facebook users.

It deserves a mention that the Internet was originally conceived and developed in the United States. Its precursor was ARPANET, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network developed by the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The punch-line is that the technical facilities for running the Internet are still located in the US – and not just on American territory, but actually under the supervision of US government agencies. The latter are deeply reluctant to hand over this function to any other authority, despite numerous proposals for transferring control of the Internet to the United Nations, tabled at various international meetings by a number of countries including Russia.

The US International Strategy for Cyberspace contains another potentially destructive statement, namely America’s obligation to ensure Internet freedom by creating and maintaining “reliable, safe and secured platforms to ensure freedom of expression and association” for opposition movements in any given country. In plain language, this is an initiative for setting up a parallel Internet, which would be off-limits for any national government except the United States. It is envisaged that users around the globe would be provided access to this “shadownet,” bypassing national provider companies, and thereby exempting data exchange between a user and Washington from any unwanted oversight. The “shadownet” would mark a new stage in the United States’ strategic plan for penetrating the cyberspace and telecom environment of other countries worldwide.

Moreover, the US government intends to issue a “blacklist” of nations that allegedly restrict Internet access for their residents, and subsequently ban US-based telecom companies from doing business with these governments. This is just one of the proposals put forward in a bill titled Promoting Global Internet Freedom, which is currently being debated in US Congress. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already expressed its concern over the draft legislation, denouncing it as “undemocratic.” By advocating unrestrained freedom in the Worldwide Web in its rhetoric, the US is essentially appointing itself a global judge, denying other national governments their right to national legal sovereignty in cyberspace.

To counter the implications of the American bill, Russia, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have jointly approached the UN General Assembly with a draft resolution titled Rules of Conduct for Ensuring International Cyber-security. These rules provide for respecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the political independence of all nations, as well as establishing a multilateral, transparent and democratic mechanism for managing the Internet.

The initiative, however, was blocked by the US delegation.

I am confident that Russia ought to take expedient political and diplomatic measures to protect its national sovereignty in cyberspace from American intervention.

­Prof. Igor Panarin, Doctor of Political Sciences,

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Posted by on 02/05/2012 in Internet, Politics


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Mexican drug cartels move $50 billion in bulk product and bundled cash across the border!


Manssor arbabsiar

Manssor arbabsiar


This undated image provided by the Nueces County Sheriff’s Office shows Manssor Arbabsiar. The Obama administration on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011 accused agents of the Iranian government of being involved in a plan to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the thwarted plot would further isolate Tehran.

The supposed Iranian plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States hoped to involve a Mexican drug cartel but thankfully the solicited man was a DEA informant which resulted in the terror bust. However, the case raises the question whether a narco organization would entertain dirty work for Muslim terrorists. Unfortunately, the answer is a likely yes.

Indeed, the Mexican drug cartels in fact already have engaged in terrorist acts against American officials on both sides of the border: in March 2010 the Juarez cartel whacked U.S. consulate employee Lesley Ann Enriquez and her husband El Paso sheriff’s deputy Arthur Redelfs as they were returning home from a child’s birthday party in Ciudad Juarez; in December 2010 the Sinaloa cartel murdered U.S. border patrol agent Brian Terry in southern Arizona; and in Feburary 2011 Los Zetas killed ICE agent Jaime Zapata and wounded his partner who were driving along a highway in the state of San Luis Potosi in a vehicle with U.S. diplomatic tags.

The drug cartels long ago diversified their rackets to pursue any illicit activity from which they can profit ranging from cargo theft to sex trafficking. Engaging in murder-for-hire or other atrocities on behalf of a terrorist group simply would be another revenue stream for the crime groups which already have demonstrated their cavalier willingness to target U.S. officials. Indeed, it’s not simply the drug cartels themselves which are a threat but further include any splinter group or rogue member within the larger organization willing to engage in some freelance work with a side deal.

The Mexican drug cartels move $50 billion in bulk product and bundled cash across the border each year, and they have well-entrenched supply lines, distribution networks and operational cells in hundreds of cities across the United States. Law enforcement and security officials long have known that the porous border and the cartel network have been the weak links in U.S. security, and now it’s time to stop denying the threat that the narco traffickers pose and start taking them down.

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Posted by on 10/14/2011 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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