Tag Archives: Freedom

United States of America has Lost its’ way!

It is August 5, 2016, and I have not written a post in quite some time because I have been observing what has been happening in the United States of America and I am appalled! We have the first African American President and a few years ago, I thought that he would do a great job for us, but after many heartaches, I have found that it was probably our biggest mistake of all times to elect Barack Obama. He has literally destroyed our homes and our country. It is just awful what he has done to destroy our most beautiful country.

Now we are in the process of selecting a new President, and that is a most difficult challenge. The Democrats have chosen for their candidate a woman, the first woman to be running as the nominated representative of the Democratic Party, what a shame! Any other woman would have been or could have been a great thing for America, but they chose HRC the biggest liar, criminal, corrupt individual in the history of American politics. I don’t understand the American mentality when they make such ignorant decisions as this one. I suppose they are just plain stupid and think that by electing a crook everything will work out! It is hard for me to post such, but I love my country and I don’t know what to do to save her from this calamity.

Donald Trump is a businessman and he is outspoken and could be the solution for our problems at home, where we have an evaporation of jobs, lost infrastructure and open borders where we are inundated with illegal aliens coming into the USA. Yet, this is not the only set of problems that America is faced with; terrorism from ISIS and radical Islam, which our current President refuses to acknowledge. Yet they are very real and they have already penetrated our borders and have set up training facilities across our country. Obama is bringing in more and more migrants from Syria and other Muslim countries and this is now an urgent problem in many States. These Muslim migrants are causing havoc across our nation, everything American from our Flag to our National Anthem causes the Muslims anxiety and in turn, Obama and the courts agree and find all things American Offensive to the new Muslim onslaught. I guess no one believes in our freedom with rights and a Constitution that protects those rights of its citizens above and beyond non-Americans and illegals. We have lost our way, and if we (The American People) do not stand for those rights and our freedom then we will go down in flames, as the Muslim population continues to grow inside the USA, we are at the point of destruction and this is exactly what Obama wants to happen.

It is time to get rid of this Muslim President and regain our self-dignity and position in the free world, as a leader that is strong, and based on Christian values and brotherhood. Where one can enjoy home, freedom, prosperity, and religion of choice.

I ask that all Americans stand up and fight for our Country, our Freedom and our way of life! We are not destined to worship Allah or any other false god or idol but the one God, Jesus Christ, who is the Kind of Kings and Lord of Lords for all mankind!

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Posted by on 08/05/2016 in Civil Unrest, Politics, Terroism


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