Tag Archives: Federal government of the United States

The Fiscal cliff and the stupidity of the US Government!

There is one American out of millions that has his thinking hat on, when it comes to the fiscal cliff situation the USA finds itself in! The politicians in Washington don’t have a clue as to what to do!

Make some intellegent decisions! This ain't about politics!

Make some intellegent decisions! This ain’t about politics!

fiscal cliff forward fiscal cliff Obama fiscal cliff

NUGENT: U.S. sailed off the ‘fiscal cliff’ long ago

We created Fedzilla; now it’s time to kill it


Only a Fedzillacrat could possibly think raising taxes on the wealthy could accomplish anything toward restoring sanity in the financial insane asylum known as our federal government.

Let’s be honest; we are not close to going over the “fiscal cliff.” We drove off that cliff a long time ago. We can only hope the crash doesn’t demolish the republic.

Raising taxes on the wealthy, closing loopholes and eliminating deductions is analogous to seeing Michelangelo’s very first short paint stroke on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and claiming it’s a masterpiece.

We are more than $16 trillion in debt today, and estimates are that America will be $22 trillion in debt at the end of this president’s second term. If that’s not a certifiable, titanic financial disaster, someone please tell the American public what is.

You won’t get an argument from me that America has a spending problem. A much larger problem we face, however, is a federal government problem. We’ve got malfunctioning departments stacked on top of bloated agencies that are stacked on top of a bungled mess of various supporting offices that are overstocked with duplicitous bureaucrats. We’ve created the very beast (hence the name Fedzilla) that our forefathers warned us about, and it’s killing us.

We can’t keep throwing good money after bad and expect different results. What we need is a wholesale, top-to-bottom assessment of the federal government, and then we need to slash and burn all Fedzilla departments, agencies and offices that are not constitutionally required or deemed vital. This should be fundamental before any deals are cut regarding new taxes.

The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered. Until the slaughter is over, everything else is just taxation window dressing.

In addition to slaughtering the three sacred entitlement cows that consume a vast majority of the federal budget (and I use the term budget generously), let’s truly spread the pain around and raise taxes on everyone, including the nearly 50 percent of Americans who pay zero federal income taxes. Those Americans need to have some skin in the game, too. I recommend at least a 5 percent federal income tax bracket for them. The insane free ride needs to end.

Every federal agency and department should be required to take an immediate, real 15 percent cut in its budget — no funny accounting tricks, but a real 15 percent cut. Agency budgets then should be rolled back to their 2005 level before the end of 2013.

No tax-raising deal should be signed without including a balanced-budget amendment.

Let’s also stop the insanity by suspending the right to vote of any American who is on welfare. Once they get off welfare and are self-sustaining, they get their right to vote restored. No American on welfare should have the right to vote for tax increases on those Americans who are working and paying taxes to support them. That’s insane.

In addition to suspending a welfare recipient’s right to vote, we also need to get our voting system straightened out and eliminate voter fraud. We need to ensure that only Americans vote by requiring polling places to validate the identification of each voter.

It shouldn’t take a Motown guitar slayer to come up with these common-sense bargaining chips before taxes are raised on the producers, which will further choke the economy. How about it, GOP?

Ted Nugent is an American rock ‘n’ roll, sporting and political activist icon. He is the author of “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns & Rock ‘N’ Roll” (Regnery Publishing).

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Posted by on 12/09/2012 in Politics, Rock stars, The Face of Evil


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Mexicos’ loss due to the drug wars and criminal organizations

MEXICO CITY 160 000 businesses closed because of lack of security

The organization complained that an increasing number of abductions and burning of vehicles to block roads.

These Organized crime cartels are responsible

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Mass escapes of prisoners, kidnappings, and executions are frequent, says

The Employers Confederation of Mexico (Coparmex) said that organized crime is deteriorating competitiveness of the states, discouraging domestic and foreign investment, which has caused the closure of at least 160 000 businesses across the country during 2011 and the migration of thousands of productive families to other nations.

Desigaud Alberto Espinosa, president of business organization, said the climate of insecurity prevailing in Mexico has forced the closure of businesses , migration of business and tourism sector losses. also called inefficient fight against organized crime at the failure of the commitments made by the three levels of government, Congress and the judiciary, in the field, more than three and half years of signing the National Accord for Security, Justice and Legality.

 “Not only is it changing the lives of Mexicans, the economy is being affected because in the north, the premium insurance increased 30% to 24 million passengers border prefer to stay longer in Mexico, which has an economic loss of more than $ 800 million in the last five years, “he said.

He added that Mexico’s image has deteriorated seriously, causing several nations issued alerts to prevent tourists travel to our country, because only in America, is considered to Ciudad Juarez as the world’s most dangerous city. “Organized crime is deteriorating competitiveness of the states, discouraging domestic and foreign investment, causing the closure of formal enterprises, because in 2011 more than 160 000 companies ceased to operate throughout the country, “he said.

As for the construction industry, said it has increased the risk of to increase the cost of infrastructure, because the contractors will have to pass on rising costs made to counteract insecurity.

 “The worst is that employers and families are going to other countries in search of safety and well, so it is necessary to evaluate the strategy of the fight against crime implemented by the Federal Government to identify opportunities and design new programs, more effective, “established. stressed that coordination is required, responsibility and a vision of State long term and that insecurity is reaching levels not seen in decades and the public perception is that violence, is far from diminishing, but is increasing.

“There is frustration and disappointment in all sectors of society, the impunity that prevails in the country and lack of responsibility of the authorities, which has resulted in eight out of ten Mexicans consider that security is worse than in 2011 and added to that, 50% of citizens consider that organized crime is winning the battle and the government 40% defined as the current strategy failed because three out of ten people have been victims of crime in the last three months, he said.

He recalled that there are often mass escapes of prisoners, kidnapping and burning of vehicles to block roads and primary roads; performances mainly in Nuevo Leon, Guerrero, Coahuila, Durango, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas.

Within society, added that in the past five years the offenses occurred in the country increased from 1.5 to 1.8 million and the homicide is has doubled and kidnapping has rallied 81%, in Durango, Tamaulipas and Guerrero.

According to figures from the 32 state attorneys in 2011 reported an average of four kidnappings and two thousand robberies daily, throughout the national territory and that same year saw four thousand 600 complaints for the crime of extortion, with greater involvement in Chihuahua, Baja California, Jalisco and Mexico City.

In addition, he concluded the union leader-, that 98% of crimes go unpunished, and total cases go to trial, only one in ten offenders receive judgment.

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Posted by on 04/04/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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College Spring-breakers should avoid Mexico at all costs!

spring breakers should avoid Mexico due to violence
spring breakers should avoid Mexico due to violence

Texas asks college spring breakers not to vacation in Mexico because of violence

Police joined a warning from the U.S. government to advise students to avoid visiting the country

AUSTIN, Texas, March 6. – The Texas Police on Tuesday added a warning from the U.S. government to advise students to avoid travel to Mexico during spring break.

The Department of Public Safety Texas bordering Mexico, issued the warning to American students who usually travel to Mexico for vacation-known as spring breakers, noting the continued presence of violence in Mexico.

Violence related to organized crime escalated in December 2006 when it began the government of President Felipe Calderon, who intensified the fight against drug cartels.

The U.S. State Department recommended last month the Americans against traveling to certain parts or all of the territory of 14 of the 31 states of Mexico. The travel warning is made larger than the United States since Mexico intensified the fight against organized crime in 2006.

The director of the Texas Public Safety, Steven McCraw, said the violence of Mexican drug cartels and other criminal acts constitute a significant threat to safety, even in some resorts.

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Posted by on 03/07/2012 in Crime!, Living!


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Politicizing the Internet!

The Politicalization of the Internet by the USA
The politicization of the Internet by the USA

The mass unrest that destabilized a some Mideast nations in the spring of 2011 was the first real-life demonstration of how powerful a tool the Internet can be in terms of influencing the internal affairs of a sovereign state. Social networks and blog platforms proved a highly efficient means for dispersing information and dispatching voluntary protesters in order to stage rallies and even riots. The American political elite were quick to recognize the new opportunity and use it.

On 16 May 2011, the US administration published a new document on its official website titled The US International Strategy for Cyberspace. The document laid out guidelines for American diplomacy in shaping a US-friendly global media environment using cyber technologies. In essence, the policy document outlined Washington’s new doctrine of media intervention, which emphasizes the Internet as a key component for shaping perceptions worldwide and manipulating global public opinion.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remarked in a public address on 18 May 2011: “Freedom of the Internet is an important priority for us. We want to ensure better protection for privacy through common efforts, and secure the basic freedoms of expression, association and assembly everywhere, including online.”Furthermore, Mrs. Clinton stressed this priority as a new foreign policy imperative for the US Department of State.

English: The United States Esperanto: Loko de ...

Image via Wikipedia

To that end, a special Cyber-security Office was created within the US National Security Staff, headed by a specially-appointed Cyber-security Coordinator, former NSS official Chris Painter.

The new doctrine was tested in Moscow last December, when Facebook, a US-based social network, was actively employed while summoning Russia’s dissenters to rallies in the wake of a parliamentary election. So-called “Team Facebook” essentially distributed appeals to support the opposition in staging anti-government protests in Russian cities. It was by no means accidental that social networks became the main means for preparing and publicizing opposition rallies, with tens of thousands of people manifesting their intention to participate in the protests. Quite tellingly, 70 per cent of them happened to be Facebook users.

It deserves a mention that the Internet was originally conceived and developed in the United States. Its precursor was ARPANET, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network developed by the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The punch-line is that the technical facilities for running the Internet are still located in the US – and not just on American territory, but actually under the supervision of US government agencies. The latter are deeply reluctant to hand over this function to any other authority, despite numerous proposals for transferring control of the Internet to the United Nations, tabled at various international meetings by a number of countries including Russia.

The US International Strategy for Cyberspace contains another potentially destructive statement, namely America’s obligation to ensure Internet freedom by creating and maintaining “reliable, safe and secured platforms to ensure freedom of expression and association” for opposition movements in any given country. In plain language, this is an initiative for setting up a parallel Internet, which would be off-limits for any national government except the United States. It is envisaged that users around the globe would be provided access to this “shadownet,” bypassing national provider companies, and thereby exempting data exchange between a user and Washington from any unwanted oversight. The “shadownet” would mark a new stage in the United States’ strategic plan for penetrating the cyberspace and telecom environment of other countries worldwide.

Moreover, the US government intends to issue a “blacklist” of nations that allegedly restrict Internet access for their residents, and subsequently ban US-based telecom companies from doing business with these governments. This is just one of the proposals put forward in a bill titled Promoting Global Internet Freedom, which is currently being debated in US Congress. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already expressed its concern over the draft legislation, denouncing it as “undemocratic.” By advocating unrestrained freedom in the Worldwide Web in its rhetoric, the US is essentially appointing itself a global judge, denying other national governments their right to national legal sovereignty in cyberspace.

To counter the implications of the American bill, Russia, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have jointly approached the UN General Assembly with a draft resolution titled Rules of Conduct for Ensuring International Cyber-security. These rules provide for respecting national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the political independence of all nations, as well as establishing a multilateral, transparent and democratic mechanism for managing the Internet.

The initiative, however, was blocked by the US delegation.

I am confident that Russia ought to take expedient political and diplomatic measures to protect its national sovereignty in cyberspace from American intervention.

­Prof. Igor Panarin, Doctor of Political Sciences,

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Posted by on 02/05/2012 in Internet, Politics


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“Merida Initiative” implemented by the governments of Mexico and the U.S.

American Mailboxes .. Hope Street .. Foreclosu...
Image by marsmet462 via Flickr

How much money is required for the USA to send to Mexico in the fight against Drugs? Obama spends money that should be kept at home, to hire the unemployed, and to prevent home fore-closures!

TAMAULIPAS, January 22 .- As a result of the resolutions adopted by the governments of Mexico and the United States on security, the government of Egidio Torre Cantu was selected to receive funding by U.S. $ 4 million to be allocated largely to equipment and training of public security forces in Tamaulipas.

Commissioner Rafael Lomeli Martinez, Secretary of State for Public Security (SSPE) reported that this support is derived from the so-called Merida Initiative” implemented by the governments of Mexico and the U.S. as a strategy to reduce the crime rate at all levels on both sides of the border.

Lomeli Martinez explained that the U.S. government assists in the training and instruction of the officers of our country and supports the implementation of courses and specialized classrooms for the fulfillment of that objective.

He said that with the use of $ 4 million is to professionalize the police force of Tamaulipas and build up the fight against crime in all its forms, as part of the strategy of Governor Torre Cantú Tamaulipas that police have a more reliable.

The Commissioner said SSPE is the first time the U.S. government will directly support the economic resources to Tamaulipas, as part of the “Merida Initiative” and in recognition of the efforts made in the state security.

He said that U.S. support for the aim of improving levels of security that is currently living in our state.

In addition to the $ 4 million to provide for the acquisition of equipment, the U.S. government donates training to police elements Tamaulipas.

Through the “Merida Initiative”, approved by Congress, the U.S. government supported financial resources and equipment to Mexico, which are channeled directly to the federal government, which in turn landed directly to various police stations.

Now for the first time, funds from the “Merida Initiative will be provided specifically to Tamaulipas [pending the terms and dates] for the donation of equipment and training police will undergo.

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Posted by on 01/23/2012 in Crime!, Politics


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Rejected-U.S. agents in our country Mexico-to fight drug trafficking.


Mexico refuses American agents on the ground

Mexico refuses American agents on the ground

MEXICO CITY, The Permanent Commission expressed their rejection of the initiative HR3401 in the House of Representatives United States, which allows the presence of U.S. agents in our country to fight drug trafficking.

During today’s session, deputies and senators approved a point of agreement that expresses the rejection of the proposal contemplates extraterritorial elements, interventionist and harmful to national sovereignty and the principles of shared responsibility, respect for law and mutual trust that underpin our bilateral cooperation.

united states currency seal - IMG_7366_web
Image by kevindean via Flickr

“The Standing Committee of the honorable Congress urges the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and the Embassy of Mexico in the United States to redouble efforts to inform the U.S. Congress about the harm of initiatives like this that violate our relationship bilateral, “the statement said.

He also asked the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), a report on the strategy of bilateral cooperation on money laundering this report must include the results obtained to date.

In addition, the Standing Committee welcomed the amendments proposed by U.S. President Barack Obama, the process of family migration regularization of American citizens and hopes the early publication of the final rule the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to come into force shortly.

By a point of agreement presented by the Second Committee (Foreign Affairs, Defense and Public Education) also asked the Foreign Ministry to urge the administration of U.S. government extended to the families of permanent residents in that country the duration of the separation between U.S. citizens and their spouses or children while regularizing undocumented immigration status.

The document states that, in 2011, the U.S. government received 485,000 requests for permanent residency U.S. citizens and their immediate family, the same year he received 23,000 requests for asylum. More than 70 percent were approved, ie 16 000, although other 7 000 were rejected.

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Posted by on 01/19/2012 in Drugs


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two journals asked not to publish details of a study of new avian influenza Virus!

New Virus the US doesn't want us to know about!

New Virus the US doesn't want us to know about!

The U.S. government asked two journals not to publish details of a study for fear that is used to create a biological weapon

WASHINGTON, The Government of the United States said today that they asked the journals Nature and Science not to publish the details of two studies on a new deadly strain of avian influenza virus, for fear that if they fall into wrong hands can be used to create a biological weapon.

The unprecedented request made by the Department of Health and Human Services after a recommendation by the National Advisory Board on Biosecurity (NSABB, in English), it was useful to the magazines, which nevertheless evaluate how to proceed and have already made some changes in they had planned to publish.

“Certain information obtained through these studies has the potential to be misused for harmful purposes,” he said in a statement the National Institute of Health (NIH, in English) under the Department of Health.

The studies, conducted in laboratories of the Universities of Wisconsin (EU) and Erasmus of Rotterdam (Netherlands), managed to unravel a new strain of H5N1 virus, popularly known as bird flu, which has the potential to spread much more rapidly among people

This could make the virus “a very serious global threat to public health,” the NIH.

Therefore, and because of fears that information about the new strain can be used as a new tool of bioterrorism, a committee of experts reviewed the manuscript NSABB describe laboratory experiments and recommended that only publish their results, but “no methodological details. ”

However, the U.S. government recognizes the “potential benefits” of information for research and global monitoring of influenza, so it works to establish a mechanism whereby people with a “legitimate need” a “secure” the details of the studies, according to the NIH.

“It’s very important to get the information for all people worldwide living with the virus and work on it,” he said for his part in a news editor of Science, Dr. Bruce Alberts.

Alberts also noted that the request of the Government of the United States marks “a turning point” because it is believed to be the first time that something like that with a legitimate research on public health.

In another statement, the editor of Nature, Dr. Philip Campbell, said his magazine discusses the “appropriate access to scientific methods” of study and how the details “may be enabled.”

“It is essential to public health that all the details of scientific studies of influenza virus are available to researchers,” said Campbell

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Posted by on 12/21/2011 in Crime!


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