Tag Archives: Crime

Eight persons slaughtered in Caycara Orinoco, Venezuela

The Orinoco River, here in Amazonas State, Ven...

The Orinoco River, here in Amazonas State, Venezuela. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They say it’s the worst slaughter that is registered in the town of Caycara Orinoco, two of the victims were minors CARACAS, Eight men, including two children aged 16 and 17, were killed with shots to the head after being forced to kneel while celebrating a party at a home in southeastern Venezuela, reported the Office.

The incident took place “in the early morning hours of Saturday during the celebration of a festival in the town of Caycara Orinoco” when “several men carrying firearms appeared and shot multiple times into a group of people celebrating” the Prosecutor said in a statement. He added that he has appointed prosecutors along with police investigate and to establish the causes of the attack, and to identify those killed, in addition to the two teenagers, two aged 18, two 19, one 28 and another 35.

There have been 16,072 homicides committed in Venezuela since 2012 According to the digital version of the local newspaper Correo del Caroni, the “thugs” arrived on a motorcycle and stealthily entered the house where the party was held, apparently for graduation from secondary education of the two children killed. Before forcing them to kneel, “beaten and then executed him mercilessly.’s The worst slaughter that has ever lived in Caycara; want justice, mourn our streets,” said a woman who witnessed the fact that “for fear asked to leave their identity anonymous, “wrote the newspaper. On the causes of crime said neighbors shuffled various scenarios, including “a reckoning” between members of criminal gangs. “Not all those who were killed misconduct, but by one paid everyone,” said another witness daily the fact, which occurred the same day the Venezuelan Minister of Interior, General Miguel Rodriguez said the offense is been reduced in the country.

Crime has fallen by an average of 30% since beginning of year launched the “Plan Secure Homeland” against crime, the minister said in an interview sabatina television. According to the plan for reducing crime and in the first 29 weeks in which the plan was put into action the reduction in homicides was 58%, he added, noting that includes patrolling streets of major cities with more than 12,000 soldiers in operations supporting some 23 000 The latest official figures realized that in 2012 there were 16,072 homicides in Venezuela, 14% more than in 2011, equivalent to a rate of 54 homicides per 100 000 inhabitants, rising to 73 per 100 thousand inhabitants, according NGO Venezuelan Violence Observatory (SVO).

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Posted by on 07/22/2013 in Crime!


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Cancun- Seven people were murdered and four arrests made

The Attorney General of the state said that among those arrested Wednesday is a woman, while indicating that all of them are already under investigation

seven people killed and foru arrested by police and military in Cancun

seven people killed and foru arrested by police and military in Cancun

CANCUN, The operations mounted in Cancun after the murder of seven people on Sunday that led to the arrest of four individuals involved with these events an alleged leader of the Gulf Cartel gunmen was also arrested.

The Attorney General of the state said that among those arrested Wednesday was a woman, while indicating that all of them are already under investigation for their participation and relationship with the aforementioned criminal group.

According to information from the agency, in the course of Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning Aaron Irving Trujeque Villamil, Carlos Rocha Sosa, Alejandro Gallardo Uriel Aguirre and María del Carmen Hernández Guzmán were arrested

In the operation, the Judicial Police said twenty two 12 mm caliber cartridges for shotgun, eight 2.23 mm caliber cartridges, two bags of cocaine, nine doses of crack and two bulletproof vests with public security badges of Benito Juarez.

They also said two motorcycles and a car with Ibiza license plates UUT-6930.

Detainees yield statement to the Common Public Prosecutor’s Office, which integrates the preliminary investigation for criminal action and allocate the case to criminal court in turn.

The capture of this group was part of the operations that were activated after the capture of Victor Raul Rodriguez or Victor Raul Ojeda Ojeda Torres, head of the Gulf Cartel hit-men arrested yesterday by the State Police and the Army and who is credited with Multiple crimes Sunday.

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Posted by on 04/18/2013 in Crime Watch


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Six of the eight cartels have Command networks in Texas!

The Mexican drug cartels are the biggest threat of organized crime in Texas, according to an intelligence report, released today which highlights the main risks to public safety entity.

Human trafficking at the Border“Six of the eight cartels currently have command and control networks operating in the state and move drugs and people into the United States while carrying cash, weapons and stolen vehicles into Mexico,” said the report.

The “Summary of Threats to Public Safety Texas 2013″, released by the Department of Public Safety (DPS), said to be a “top priority” in severely obstruct the scope and power of Mexican drug organizations.

“The impact of crime cartels is painfully obvious when we look at our neighbors in Mexico, with about 60,000 deaths since 2006 and continuing cases of brutal torture,” he said during the presentation of the report, DPS director Steve McCraw.

The report was based on information and perspectives of law enforcement, gathered from multiple national security agencies.

The report noted that state prison gangs are the second greatest threat of organized crime in Texas.

“Many gangs are now working directly with Mexican cartels, who earn substantial profits from drug trafficking,” he said.

“The prison gangs operating inside and outside the prison system, and are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime,” he added.

The report said that “criminal aliens” who may not be affiliated with cartels or gangs, also pose a threat.

He said that “from October 2008 to December 2012, Texas has identified a total of 141,982 foreign nationals held in prisons throughout Texas.

“These individuals are responsible for at least 447,844 criminal offenses, including 32 murders and two to five thousand sexual assaults.

The report also warned that “criminal organizations and individuals are involved in the exploitation and trafficking of children for profit”, including extortion, forced labor, sexual assault and prostitution.

Topped that currently takes into Texas 76,272 registered sex offenders and at least 60,871 of these were as a child victim or child.

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Posted by on 03/28/2013 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels, Smuggling


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British bank HSBC was charged with money laundering in Argentina

BUENOS AIRES, British bank HSBC in Argentina was charged Monday of illegal money laundering and evasion of taxes amounting to more than $ 100 million through its local subsidiary.

HSBC accused of money-laundering

HSBC accused of money-laundering

The complaint was made ​​by the head of the Federal Agency of Public Revenue ( AFIP ), Ricardo Echegaray , who explained in a press conference that the bank since February “came deploying a platform defraud (sic) that represented a conspiracy, by the use of false invoices that allowed different companies to launder money. ”

“It’s a ploy to hide bank account information from the Treasury,” he said Echegaray.

“Allegations Argentina regulators are a major concern, and we are committed to cooperate with the authorities to ensure a thorough review and appropriate resolution of the matter,” said HSBC in a statement sent to the AP by email.

Three companies identified by Echegaray as More Distribuidora SA, South Revenue Services SRL and SA Multiservice Network “evaded taxes and laundered money through the purchase of false invoices, which then derived in issuing checks whose amounts were deposited in a cuit generic ever the HSBC informed the AFIP “.

For these “ghost operations” were deposited checks totaling 392 million pesos ($ 76 million), representing an evasion of 224 million pesos (44 million dollars), according to the head of AFIP.

HSBC is one of the ten largest banks operating in the South American nation.

The AFIP filed a criminal complaint against the bank in a court of criminal jurisdiction and tax.

“They have to pay what they owe and dismantle this gang of cheaters, involving both private and public to the purchase of false invoices,” said Echegaray.

The note sent from Mexico by the regional office of HSBC , said its subsidiary in Argentina “complies with the law no matter where they operate and strongly supports the efforts of governments and regulators to detect illegal activities and take appropriate action” .

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Posted by on 03/19/2013 in Money Laundering


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At least 11 people, were wounded by firearms this morning in the U.S. capital

WASHINGTON, At least 11 people, including some children, were wounded by firearms this morning in the U.S. capital by attackers who were traveling in two vehicles, police said.

The Chief of Police of the District of Columbia said the incident occurred around 2:45 pm local time in a slum known as Tyler House, in the northeast of the capital.

This Obama's Washington D.C. His gun control!

This Obama’s Washington D.C. His gun control!

washubThe youngest of the wounded is 17 years old. Another was shot in the back and taken to a local hospital, but his injuries were not considered life threatening. Most were shot in the legs and arms by attackers.

This is an area that has been the scene of frequent shootings weekend night.

Although the crime rate declined in the past decade to its lowest level in 20 years, the city maintains a level of nearly 22 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, according to official figures, 2010.

The rape rate is 30.6 per 100, 000 citizens, 650 robbery and aggravated assault of 538 per 100 thousand inhabitants. In 2010 there were four thousand 510 crimes against property.

So far there have been no arrests in connection with this it is the most recent shooting.

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Posted by on 03/12/2013 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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Does Chapo Guzman care about being on Forbes list?

Does he look worried about not being on Forbes list of the richest men?

Does he look worried about not being on Forbes list of the richest men?

Consequently, Guzman’s inclusion in the Forbes list, which suggested a degree of influence over crime in Mexico that a careful analysis did not support, largely contradicted the prevailing trend inside the nation. This will likely be increasingly true going forward, as group’s like Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel collectively continue to cede market share to a growing number of smaller regional gangs, like the Knights Templar (Caballeros Templarios) or the Independent Cartel of Acapulco.

Furthermore, the revenue structure for Mexican criminal groups have tilted away from the high-margin traffic of cocaine (the activity with the greatest potential to spawn a highly wealthy boss) to lower-margin, labor-intensive practices like kidnapping and extortion, theft and human smuggling.
While Guzman’s inclusion appeared to be aimed at publicity more than it was the result of methodological rigor, the impact of his being placed alongside names like Gates and Slim changed the perceptions of public security in Mexico. Guzman turned into the foremost emblem of Mexican crime, and his wealth and manifest impunity –Guzman escaped from prison in 2001 — was a sign for some that Mexico had little chance of defending itself against such a threat.
This was true despite the lack of evidence to support the estimate of Guzman’s fortune. His partner Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada called the calculation “nonsense” in 2010. More damningly, in 2009, Forbes editor Luisa Kroll offered only unconvincing ramblings as a justification: “There are people that make it their job to be tracking this money trail and we have a Spanish-speaking reporter who spent a lot of time in Mexico and has a lot of sources whether in the Drug Enforcement Agency and separate consultancies that helped him track and get a handle and find the right people to talk to, to track the drug money but because it is such a huge problem, there are definitely a lot of people that are tracking the money that’s flowing through the drugs.”

Nonetheless, for the US media, a billionaire capo became a conveniently sensationalist and simplistic symbol for a hugely complicated situation. The Washington Post, to take but one of many examples, casually referred to Guzman as a “billionaire cartel boss” in 2010.
By way of addressing the exclusion, Forbes explained that, “[Guzman] has to spend more of his money on security and bribes to protect his family, meaning his annual take of the world’s massive cocaine trade … is getting thinner and thinner.”

Such logic is, of course, every bit as unsupported and faulty as were the initial calculations of his worth. Forbes does not back up its assertion with any figure more concrete than an offhand references to “our numbers.” Moreover, even if his profit margins are getting thinner, unless Forbes is actually retracting its prior claims about his accumulated wealth, it should not matter: as long as the margins are positive, he’s still adding to that fortune that was previously calculated at an even $1 billion.
In short, the only logically coherent way for Forbes to pull Guzman from the list would be to explicitly renounce its prior methodology and issue a correction. Unfortunately, the magazine was unwilling to go that far. Nonetheless, insofar as it represents the opening of a more nuanced view of Mexico in general and organized crime in particular, this is a positive step.

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Posted by on 03/09/2013 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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CUERNAVACA, 10 people have been executed in Morelos

In the last 72 hours at least 10 people have been executed in Morelos , in an escalation of violence by criminal groups operating in the state, who have been shootings and executed people, despite the announcement of single command.

10 people have been executed in Morelos in the last 72 hours

10 people have been executed in Morelos in the last 72 hours

The last action of criminal groups took place in the town of Acatlipa, in the town of Temixco, where an armed group entered a house of Narciso Mendoza Street, located between the streets September 15th and Constitution, and opened fire .

According to information at the scene, one of the bodies was in the entrance to the house, while three others were found inside, but until now have not been identified nor the motive establish in this multiple homicide.

The Army and the Federal Police had to cordon off the area, due to the aggressiveness of relatives who repeatedly violated the perimeter guarding the crime scene and assaulted the experts who conducted the initial investigations.

The first two bodies were found in the town of encajuelados Tepoztlan, a narcomensaje and blow. In addition, victims were gagged.

That same Friday afternoon there had been a shooting practically outside the Municipal Police Command.

Another person appeared at the boundary between the suburbs of Yautepec and Cuautla, with wounds on his body, but because of their advanced state of decomposition has not been identified and is investigating the causes of his death.

Two more bodies appeared Sunday in a cane field planting called Las Iguanas, in the community of Santa Rosa 30, Tlaltizapán Township. Both bodies have not been identified, but one was male, while the other had mutilated his lower extremities from the pelvis.

Both showed burns one hundred percent of the body surface, due to the burning of the crop and subsequent findings. The first surveys had indicated that an estimated time of death of three to five days.

Finally, a woman with signs of strangulation appeared in a hotel located in Jojutla, Galileo, her body leaning against a bed.

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Posted by on 02/19/2013 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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