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Is Mexico the uncomfortable neighbor of the United States?

map of the party affiliations of the current G...
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Mexico is the United States uncomfortable neighbor,

He said the government’s foreign policy in this country has improved relations with the United States, Central and Latin America

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 29. – The foreign policy of the Government of Mexico has significantly improved relations with Central and Latin America in general, and in no way be considered that our country is a ‘neighbor uncomfortable’ for America , said today the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Gonzalo Gómez Canseco.

The Mexican foreign ministry official said this in the context of the presentation of the book ‘The International Challenges of Mexico: Urgency of Fresh Eyes’.

Gonzalo Gómez Canseco denied that Mexico is the ‘awkward neighbor’ of the United States, as indicated by the book ‘The International Challenges of Mexico: Urgency of Fresh Eyes’, a compilation of 11 essays written by specialists, including Natalia Saltalamacchia, Jorge Tello, Luis Herrera, Marco Antonio Alcazar and coordinated by Olga Pellicer and Guadalupe Gonzalez.

Gómez Canseco spoke at the beginning of the presentation of the book and their expressions were contrary to the criticism issued later by the former Mexican foreign minister and senator for the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Rosario Green.

The Chief of Staff of the Foreign Ministry said that the views displayed do not reflect the actual conditions of the conduct of foreign policy, and the fact it said that our country is ‘uncomfortable neighbor’ of the United States.

‘The vision expressed by the authors is more a review of what is said in the media, that an analysis of official documents or reports, “he said.

Canseco Gomez said that even the current federal administration attended representing the headlights on Mexican possible break some countries in the region, ‘which has increased significantly the level of diplomatic relations’.

In presenting the book also attended Senator PRD, Jose Guadarrama Marquez and Olga Pellicer compiler itself.

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Posted by on 03/01/2012 in Politics


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U.S. advisory; Kidnappings on the rise in Mexico

Seal of the United States Department of State.
Image via Wikipedia

Kidnappings on the rise in Mexico, U.S. warning to its citizens

The State Department warned its citizens in many cases, the police are complicit in kidnappings with organized crime

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 8. – The Government of the United States today renewed its travel warning to Mexico for the “serious problems” of violence and organized crime activities in the country, and has caused the number of U.S. citizens killed in its territory to rise. “Crime and violence are serious problems throughout the country, and can occur anywhere,” said the State Department in a statement, which replaces the warning issued on April 22, 2011.

The number of U.S. citizens killed in the country has more than tripled in four years, of the 35 recorded in 2007 to 120 recorded this year, according to U.S. figures. However, there is “no evidence,” that criminal organizations have sought to attack U.S. citizens “based on their nationality”, and tourist areas generally do not show the same levels of violence as the border areas which are in the drug trafficking routes, the statement said.

Despite the efforts of Mexican government to intensify the fight against criminal organizations 12,903 people were killed in the first nine months of 2011 in crimes related to drug violence, says the State Department.

The U.S. government places special emphasis on not to travel to the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Durango and Chihuahua. It also warns against travel to much of the territory of the states of Zacatecas, Sonora, Sinaloa, San Luis Potosi, Nayarit, Michoacan, Guerrero, Jalisco, Aguascalientes and Nuevo Leon, and should exercise caution in Colima , Morelos and Veracruz. U.S. shows “particularly concerned” about “the increasing number of abductions and disappearances throughout Mexico,” which affected “both local communities and the expatriates” and has sometimes involved Mexican police.

The U.S. strongly advises that you keep a low profile and avoid showing them any sign of wealth that can attract attention,” said the State Department. Kidnappings and robberies on the highway are “serious problems” in many parts of the area border, and several U.S. citizens have been killed in such accidents, he says. According to recent indications, criminals “attack particularly new, larger vehicles, especially the dark minivan,” and assaults occur more often at night and in isolated roads, said the statement.

Therefore, U.S. urges its citizens to travel between the cities of the country “only during the day” to avoid isolated roads and “use toll roads whenever possible” in addition to “cooperate in all control points “, both official and illegally arranged by drug cartels.

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Posted by on 02/09/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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