Tag Archives: Attorney General of Mexico

Mexico Arrest of one of the nine most wanted women by the PGR

Arrested in Queretaro; Nessy Topete Susana Herrera, 22 years old, linked to murders and robberies

Arrested one woman from the Nine most wanted in Mexico

Arrested one woman from the Nine most wanted in Mexico

Nessy Susana Herrera or Jessica Topete Requena Itzel Martinez, one of the nine most wanted women by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), was captured Thursday in Queretaro.

Following the arrest, the authorities of that state sent the 22 year old to the Attorney General of the State of Mexico.

In that state, Topete Herrera must appear for his alleged involvement in the crimes of robbery and killings of Zinacantepec mexiquenses cities and Toluca, as recorded in the criminal case 185/2011, initiated by the Attorney General of the State Mexico.

In addition, the girl was involved with a gang of robbers of computer consumables and also, allegedly committed four murders.

Once PGJEM learned that the accused, from the State of Mexico, recently moved to Querétaro, elements of the Crime Investigation Department intelligence deployed various strategies that identified its location.

Subsequently, the authorities planned to arrest.

According to reports Mexican authorities, arrested Nessy Susana Topete who was part of a gang that was involved in trade robbery with violence.

Another most wanted women federal justice is Dolores Torres Moreno, La Lola , who is part of the kidnap gang known as The Upright , besides allegedly to belong to organized crime.

The third most wanted woman in the country is Andrea Penaloza Pineda, who is accused of the killing of three youths in the El Seminario, in Toluca

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Posted by on 12/31/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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Municipal Police Chief in Acuña, Rodolfo Castillo Montes, accused of Murder

The Attorney General of the State of Coahuila reported that police chief was lured to José Eduardo Moreira to where he was killed


Landeros Victor Sifuentes, aka the Iguana

MEXICO CITY, Oct. 8. – The deputy director of the Municipal Police operating in Acuña, Rodolfo Castillo Montes, was identified and accused by the Attorney General of Coahuila, as author of the murder of Jose Eduardo Moreira Rodriguez, who was executed last October 3.

According to preliminary criminal inquiry A-5/1009/2012 of the state agency quoted, the police chief tricked the victim in the first place where criminals deprived him of his freedom and later ended his life.

Others involved in the kidnapping/Murder are Carrizales Victor Prieto and José Trinidad Landeros Sifuentes, Municipal Police officers Acuña.

The three soldiers are as entrenched under the aggravated murder with premeditation and treachery advantage.

State officials also seek Landeros Victor Sifuentes, aka the “Iguana”, supervisor at the Municipal Police border town.

The authorities involved in solving the case, references have three male persons are presumed perpetrators of the murder of Jose Eduardo Moreira Rodriguez, indicates the State Attorney.

Of the three people have their sketches and meet the alias of “The Chagui”, “skinny” and “bald”.

The state agency is continuing the investigation of the existence of blankets messages alluding to criminal groups on the spot where he was gunned eldest son of former governor of Coahuila.

So far there is no evidence of any thereof.

The Office of Coahuila collaborative drawing office to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) participated in the ministerial declaration of Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo, aka “The Squirrel”, alleged leader of the plaza east of the Zetas criminal organization.

The collaboration focuses on two events the mass escape from the prison of Piedras Negras, on September 17 and the killing of Jose Eduardo Moreira Rodriguez.

L The state agency highlights federal agency collaboration with the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN), the Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Public Security Secretariat.

For any information about this case, the public has available phone 01 800 841 4110

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Posted by on 10/09/2012 in Border, Crime!


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Arrest warrant issued for Ye Gon, crime of smuggling precursor chemicals

The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) obtained from a federal court a new arrest warrant against Ye Gon, for the crime of smuggling precursor chemicals regarded as serious by Mexican criminal law.

crime of smuggling precursor chemicals

In a statement, the PGR said that after investigations by the public prosecutor attached to the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigation of Federal Crimes (SEIDF) last June 28 criminal charges were filed against businessman of Chinese origin for this offense .

The federal agency noted that a district court had denied the arrest warrant requested, so the Federal Public Ministry filed an appeal.

Therefore, on 1 October a federal court ruled the judge to revoke the resolution and order the arrest of Ye Gon, considering that the evidence gathered during the preliminary investigation is credited the offense referred.

The PGR said the investigation was initiated following a complaint lodged by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) against Ye Gon, in its capacity as sole director of the company “Unimed Pharm Chem Mexico”, imported illegally precursor chemicals on 35 counts.

However it was done under the cover of a fake license, allegedly issued by the Commission on Health Authorization Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris), which caused damage to the federal treasury more than 10 million pesos.

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Posted by on 10/08/2012 in Crime!, Drugs, Smuggling


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Jalisco authorities confirm that the Mencho remains at large

The alleged leader of the New Generation Jalisco cartel was not captured during the operation last Saturday August 25

Secretary of Public Security of Jalisco, Luis Carlos Najera Gutierrez de Velasco confirmed that Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias El Mencho , alleged leader of the New Generation Jalisco cartel, was not captured during the operation last Saturday August 25, as had been reported initially.

“(The Mencho) was in the locks himself in the metropolitan area at the time of the events they covered their retreat. Therefore it has not been presented to the public, nor does it appear from the dead, “said the official.

At a press conference, Najera Gutierrez de Velasco, said the social outrage should be focused against the offenders, “they caused the death of a person, which damaged the heritage of Jalisco and causing blockages.”

After participating in a meeting between the heads of municipal public security of the metropolitan area of ​​Guadalajara between state and federal authorities said they returned to the peace in the region Cienega, where on Sunday there were some incidents, “a State Police that area sent surveillance operations and also the Mexican Army patrol in that area. “

He said that the authorities already conducted an investigation related to the blockages and helps with such instances.

As for the Code Red, mentioned that still remains and will be based on an analysis to be conducted in the next few hours to determine their conclusion.

He explained that the Code Red is an operating system that starts when any type of emergency, “is a communication that unites all security corporations and emergency according to the decision of the command is”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the 15th Military Zone, Federal Police, the Ministry of Transportation, the Attorney General of the State (PGJE) and public security holders of the suburban municipalities to Guadalajara.

The State Security Ministry takes a detached information gathering video surveillance system, it will make available both the PGJE, as the Attorney General’s Office.

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Posted by on 08/29/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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the new threat of drug trafficking; improvise use of wineries in Sinaloa

Mapa donde se muestra las zonas de predominio ...
Mapa donde se muestra las zonas de predominio principales del Cártel de Sinaloa. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The crisis of insecurity added, Sinaloa have a time bomb against the citizens they represent, the narco laboratories and chemicals used to manufacture synthetic drugs seized by the army and the Attorney General’s Office (PGR.)

According to military personnel and Quick System Company, hired by the PGR for moving and storing the seized substances, the number of laboratories dismantled in the federal entity and has exceeded the capacity of management and safeguarding of the precursors to manufacture drugs, they have been improvised storage centers that lack the backing of state Civil Protection.

2011 to date have been discovered 146 clandestine laboratories in Sinaloa, located in nine of the 18 municipalities of the state, according to figures from the Army.

To date, the Attorney General finds that 12 chefs from the narco-who are responsible for producing the synthetic drug, have been killed by poisoning.

Danger: Waste of narco

Investigate death of 12 “cooks” in 2011 and 2012 have been dismantled narcolaboratorios 146.

Sinaloa is a time bomb before an imminent collapse of thousands of gallons of highly toxic substances and pollutants that have been seized and kept in public facilities.

These components come from narcolaboratorios assurances which produced synthetic drugs.The lives of dozens of people at risk before the indifference of state and federal authority that has left the issue to chance; in contrast, the Army is the only authority in the state identifies and secures the substances and the “rudimentary factories “where they are produced synthetic drugs and crystal meth calls.

Currently, Sinaloa experiencing one of the worst crises in its history, not only by the extreme violence that killed daily by the fighting stops by constant rivalry of criminal drug cartels, but the emergence of criminal organizations narcolaboratorios installed and cause pollution in river beds, groundwater and the natural habitat of some species.

Elements of the Ninth Military Zone in 2011 achieved the destruction of 66 laboratories and 80 in 2012.

Employees at the Quick System, which was hired by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) to transfer the toxic substances that are insured by the Army, require that their ability to transport chemicals is superseded by the size the problem.

They say they have stopped collecting the substances seized because their warehouses and the PGR are at maximum capacity and “no longer fit, we cannot go get what they say the military, we have nowhere to put it and the situation is serious because they are about to explode, “said one worker.

The army protects the narcolaboratorios he can find and soldiers often stay months in places nestled in the mountains of Sinaloa, maintaining perimeter security to prevent drug cartels back by the substances and drugs and waiting for the PGR do insurance.

The PGR, by Marisela Morales and the state government headed by Mario López Valdez, not only have committed acts of omission by leaving the lot and while chemicals seized, but to its own staff and the elements Army that is constantly exposed to highly polluting substances.

According to data provided by employees of the company, whose legal guardian and owner Alberto Borrael Bazúa is indicated that the PGR hired to transport the chemicals from the points where they are found the narcolaboratorios, but for lack of advice the Ministry of Environment (SEMARNAT) and the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) substances have not been destroyed, although it is a national security situation.

Currently a warehouse, the delegation itself of the PGR in Sinaloa and military installations guarding the substances as ammonia, hydrochloric acid, tartaric acid, ethyl phenyl acetate, liquid or solid methamphetamine, also known as crystal , caustic soda, mercury and aluminum, among other chemicals.

Workers at the company said that the winery is one thousand square meters, while the PGR shields in its delegation, in a space of 400 meters, packages and thousands of liters of chemicals.

Civil Protection advice Sinaloa say the lack of air conditioning and ventilation has caused gases and chemicals containers can explode at any moment.

Quick System Employees indicate that they should PGR seven million dollars for eight months and the Administrative Office and the Deputy Regional Control of Criminal Procedure and Amparo told that administrative procedures “are so time-consuming.”

Workers exposed to this company are no longer willing to risk his life because “they owe the pattern, we do not get paid salary risk, animals that use chemicals to lower die right away, because the area where vehicles are not covered, and no way to transfer and without economic incentives cannot work. “

Public health problem

To date, the only federal authority that has been made to ensure jobs and slow production of synthetic drugs and substances that are used for this report is the Army.

Sinaloa currently holds second place in the states of northern country with the highest number of car thefts with violence, the third in number of murders linked to organized crime and proliferation of narcolaboratorios second, which has generated a serious public health problem because it pollutes rivers and groundwater because the criminals pulling the chemical waste, which kills dozens of cattle and other livestock and wild animals and farm.

According to the Army, with the change in the operation of organized crime to higher revenues for transfer of synthetic drugs has found that criminal organizations are making their own precursors for the manufacture of methamphetamine and crystal, generating the first time consumed a high addiction and lead to death of people and animals that become contaminated with the chemicals they survive only two to three years.

The Army has found that criminal organizations are developing two precursors themselves without having to import: phenyl acetic acid and methylamine.

Culiacan leads the first in the state with the largest number of labs found, followed Mocorito, Cosalá third, and fourth Badiraguato, although clandestine laboratories were found in nine of 18 municipalities.

Chemicals used by organized crime for the manufacture of synthetic drugs are as dangerous as radioactivity, as only to remain within 50 meters of the deposits cause respiratory distress, central nervous system damage, eye problems and mucous and is related to cancer diagnoses.

There is a substance called red phosphorus practically eats and destroys vital organs.

The PGR has a record of 12 of the “narco cooks,” who are responsible for the development of drug-intoxicated have died from contact with these substances, in which cases have been opened preliminary investigations. These people do not live more than two years from having contact with the chemical precursors, as it affects your airways.

Sinaloa is a state that has historically been positioned as an entity producing drugs, specifically opium poppy and marijuana, or drugs called organic. However, criminal organizations have mutated their activity by the synthetic drugs for higher profits and the ease of transportation.

The commander of the Ninth Military Zone, Brigadier General Marco Antonio Covarrubias Aguilar, states that “from 2007 to the current year, yes, indeed, have soared so-called clandestine laboratories producing methamphetamine, whose inputs are more advantageous for them to obtain higher profits than a plantation of marijuana or opium harvested after three months.”

He adds that “in these clandestine laboratories that called crystal and that develop around a week, i.e. the input to produce methamphetamine find it profitable and easier to transport to market and indeed the state of Sinaloa is a state where they are driving in that order of activity with major impact.”

According to specialists from the Army, for the manufacture of synthetic drugs and precursor chemicals used substances such as mercury, aluminum, hydrochloric acid, tartaric acid, ethyl phenyl acetate, methamphetamine liquid caustic soda, phenyl acetic acid, methylamine and two phenyl propanone.

Criminal organizations use washing machines and dryers for the finished product, but also buy large quantities of aluminum foil, same as crushed to produce the drug.

Proceeds from the sale of synthetic drugs far exceed the price of drugs called organic, for example, while a kilo of marijuana is priced at 71 dollars, the crystal reaches the same amount 42 000 301 U.S. dollars. While a kilo of grass is obtained 834 cigarettes, one kilo of crystal you get three thousand doses.

Brigadier General Marco Antonio Covarrubias Aguilar states that “sometimes we localized citizen complaint, we must be clear, we have located in the daily work of staff in the walking, sometimes with aerial surveys, sometimes by the complaint direct people to report the damage they are causing to the health of the individual, the environment, the habitat in the ecological environment which is already resulting damage.”

In one of the insured narcolaboratorios it was observed that squirrels, voles and birds, among others, were killed in a radius of 50 meters.

General Covarrubias Aguilar notes that “during the rains now we realize that the laboratories placed on dry riverbeds and now with all that water produces a harmful effect we do not know where you are going to stop.”

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Posted by on 08/07/2012 in Crime!, Drug Abuse


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Leon Felipe Lugo arrested for murder of three federal agents at AICM

The Ministry of Public Security (SSP) federal announced the arrest of Leon Felipe Lugo, involved in the murder of three federal agents at the International Airport of Mexico City (AICM).

Leon Felipe Lugo arrested for murder of three federal agents at AICM

Leon Felipe Lugo arrested for murder of three federal agents at AICM

At a press conference, the head of the Regional Division of the SSP, Luis Cárdenas Palomino, said that besides Leon Lugo was arrested others involved in various crimes.

Cárdenas Palomino reported that the arrest of Leon Lugo was recorded in a department of Colonia Guadalupe Inn in Alvaro Obregon district, where the suspect was kept hidden from the day of the incident until the time of his arrest.

The federal official said that since last Friday received an anonymous tip that led to the location of Lugo de Leon and had a meeting with the complainant.

After verifying the information the police implemented a surveillance operation that led to the capture of the suspect in a housing project for renting apartments by the day.

He said that he will guarantee the anonymity of the complainant and the reward of five million pesos offered will be delivered.

In this regard the SSP maintains the reward offer by Daniel Garcia and Zeferino Morales Cruz Franco, involved in the murder of three federal agents at the airport.

He said that currently the Internal Affairs Unit of the Federal Police has opened several investigations into the events of 25 June and that is cited to appear to the staff on duty at the airport including those who handle security cameras.

He noted that since the first day was given to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) all information requested and the logs of the elements that were working that day and above.

In addition, Cárdenas Palomino said that operating under the “Morelos sure” it was Iram stop Omar Guzmán Ortiz, alias “The Nine”, identified as the chief place in the southern state of the criminal group “The Family Michoacana.”

The suspect is related to the killing of seven people who were beheaded on July 11 roast in the municipalities of Jojutla and Ixtla Bridge, in the state of Morelos.

Also arrested with Guzman Ortiz were Adiel Edgar Ortega Arenas, aka “The Tribi” Clemente Valencia Gonzalez, alias “El Clavo” Jesus Valencia Corner, aka “The Chiquín” and Obet Ramos Gomez, aka “The Sheep”.

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Posted by on 07/16/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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Law to Combat Crimes against Women require mandatory 40-60 year jail term

Law to Combat Crimes against Women require mandatory 40-60 year jail term

The amendment requires the Attorney General’s Office to train nationwide to prosecutors and specialize them so they know to distinguish the cases

From now on anyone who commits the crime of femicide will receive a jail term of 40-60 years, which is already incorporated in the Federal Criminal Code and was announced by President Felipe Calderon in enacting the amendments to the Law to Combat Crimes against Women.

During the event held in Los Pinos, the President announced that the reform law requires the Attorney General’s Office to train nationwide to prosecutors and specialize them so they know to distinguish the cases of femicide.

He noted that another major reform of this law is that in addition to punishing the perpetrators of sexual harassment and abuse, an offense which a subordinate away his head to avoid being accused of sexually abusing her.

Also issued in Los Pinos, the General Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Trafficking and from this day all government ministries in the country are required by law to act on its own after being informed that a woman, man or child a victim of trafficking.

In announcing the new law, the president announced that in Mexico there are thousands of women against their will are forced into prostitution, begging or working without pay, by their traffickers, who deprived them of freedom.

The new law, he said, requires three levels of government, federal, state and municipalities to work together to rescue those who are victims of this crime. He said that behind many nightclubs “there is this which is one of the worst forms of slavery … the Mexican state cannot remain silent about this, the decrees promulgated today respond to that.”

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Posted by on 06/14/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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