Tag Archives: Apodaca

Gang of murderers and kidnappers arrested in Nuevo Leon!

MONTERREY, Nuevo León, – The authorities in the state, made the arrest of a band related to 50 executions, including that of the police chief of Apodaca, Milton Alvarado Rojas and ten of his bodyguards.

gang of murderers and kidnappers arrested in NL

gang of murderers and kidnappers arrested in NL

These events occurred in April of last year, only now the dismantling of that cell has been achieved, which was headed by Adrian Zavala Egdar Bravo, alias “El Zavala”.

The presentation of the alleged perpetrators was on Friday morning, at the premises of the State Agency of Investigations, located on Avenida Gonzalitos.

Zavala Accomplices Bravo, who is identified as head of the Juarez municipal plaza, are: Jose Benavides Gerardo Gomez, alias “Nin” Enrique Garcia Rodriguez, alias “El Chaparro” Aguiñaga Daniel Armando Cortes, alias “Aguiñaga”; Victor Cazares Hernandez, alias “El Chagy” Juan Carlos Hernandez Ramirez, alias “El Molcas” Quiroga Miguel Arturo Montiel, alias “El Quiroga” and Chartea Jose Martinez.

At a press conference, security spokesman in the state, Jorge Domene specified that detainees confessed to kidnapping and commanded his guards apodaquense police and taken to a spa, located on the road to San Mateo, in the town of Juarez where they were killed and their bodies subsequently burned.

For their criminal activities, including kidnappings and killings they used a taxi and rented a garage that was used as the headquarters.

The units in which they burned the bodies of uniformed Apodaca sold them as scrap in a business that is located on Avenida Ruiz Cortines.

Between what they seized a tractor truck is an orange container, a Nissan truck, car type Golf, eight .223 caliber gun chargers, 200 cartridges .223 caliber working for, 42 cartridge 7.62 x39 mm gun, eight phones and other documentation.

The detainees were being detained while being investigated for offenses against them.

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Posted by on 12/22/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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Monterrey, NL-car thieves who were harboring two escapees of Apodaca Cereso arrested

The offenders had hidden two of the prisoners who had escaped several weeks ago from Cereso Apodaca.

Monterrey, NL-car thieves who were harboring two escapees of Apodaca Cereso

Elements of the State Investigation Agency, achieved the capture of three car thieves who were involved with the flight of Cereso from Apodaca, to keep them hidden at an unknown address two of the criminals who had escaped from Apodaca prison for a few weeks and were recaptured recently.

The suspect was also seized smoking a cigarette of marijuana and weapons in his possession when he was apprehended by authorities.

The prisoners were presented in the PME facilities, where they accepted their responsibility.

Authorities said the suspects were arrested when leaving a home in the north of Monterrey.


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Posted by on 04/22/2012 in Crime!


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AEI arrested kidnapping gang operating in Apodaca and San Nicolas

Those arrested are members of Los Zetas, and had been operating since January this year to date.

AEI arrested kidnapping gang operating in Apodaca and San Nicolas

Monterrey,-Three members of a gang made up of at least six people in a cell of Los Zetas, who committed 19 executions in areas of the municipalities of San Nicolas Apodaca and were arrested by elements of the State Agency for Research on The colony Ebanos. The arrest of the suspects was on 13 April in the colonial streets of Los Ebanos in Apodaca, after several complaints against the suspects, who committed illegal in different sectors.

Given the elements of the police among those arrested was identified as Jose Luis Rodriguez Huerta, 30 years old, nicknamed “El Puma”, residing in Mount Street Macalu in the San Bernabe second area, designated as leader ofthe group, a cell of Los Zetas.

The other two arrested are: Jose Arturo Hernandez Carrillo, “The Pepón” 26 years of age, Cuernavaca, Morelos, located at Poplar Street in the center of the county seat of Anahuac, and Jaime Peña of Misael Rosa, “Big Ears” and / or “Mass”, 20, of Laredo, Tamaulipas, and residing in the colony Mirador, La Esperanza, Nuevo Laredo.

Among the murders they committed is that of a traffic officer on 8 March, Apodaca, and in early April attacked police in San Nicolas

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Posted by on 04/17/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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three Cartel leaders transferred to Puente Grande, after violent day in Apodaca


Riots at Apodaca, Nuevo Leon

Riots at Apodaca, Nuevo Leon

The PGR reported this morning that the prisoners aka, The Junior, Jose Angel Vega and Francisco Gámiz Raul Hernandez, The Stranger were transferred to Puente Grande.

The Attorney General’s Office, in conjunction with the Army finalized the transfer of three inmates from the prison in Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, Puente Grande, Jalisco, whose operating triggered yesterday a violent day in and out of prison Monterrey.

These are internal Quiroga Marcos de Leon, Commander Chabelo, Mario Andres Rios Alcorta, The Junior , and Jose Angel Vega and Francisco Gámiz Raul Hernandez, The Stranger.

At a press conference to read a statement, Assistant Attorney General Criminal Process Control of the PGR, confirmed that the transfer operation of the three defendants was in compliance with the order of a judge.

She explained that at about 1:30 am this morning was received by Apodaca to the above internal and already in Puente Grande.

He explained that yesterday, at the edge of 19:00 hours, arrived at the penitentiary Apodaca employees involved in the transport of prisoners, at the time when violence was at its peak inside and outside the prison.

He indicated that the cars that make up the criminal 216/2011-V, the Third District Judge in Criminal Matters in Nuevo Leon instructed trial of these persons for offenses of possession of firearms and possession of cartridges for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.

The official of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) said they were also charged with drug crimes in the form of drug dealing, in its variant of possession for purposes of trade.

He explained that pursuant to the execution made by the Seventh Circuit Court of the Third Assistant Center Region based in Guadalajara, Jalisco, on 16 February this year the reference judge issued an arrest warrant them for the crime of crime organized.

He said that on day 20 of the case the judge ordered the transfer of the three defendants to any of the Social Rehabilitation Centres Maximum Security, declining jurisdiction in favor of any of the judges of crime where there is a Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation ( Cefereso).

This, he said, arguing that it lacks jurisdiction to continue hearing the facts, so the judge instructed the Federal Public Ministry staff to carry out the transfer of the accused.

Jimenez Pacheco said that for this reason on 20 February, the representative office of the federation established the links of coordination with government authorities of Nuevo Leon that have responsibility for the Centre for Social Reintegration of Apodaca.

Nevertheless, he said, was not achieved the transfer of three death row because the PGR was informed that there was a riot inside the prison, so that federal forces had to provide perimeter security at the request of state authorities .

The official said that, to fulfill the agreement, ministerial staff, accompanied by federal forces, was presented Tuesday at Apodaca criminal inmates to receive and carry out the shipment ordered by the judicial authority.

Jimenez Pacheco stated that the delivery of the three defendants found at 1:30 am on Wednesday and were taken to the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation of Puente Grande, Jalisco, where they were interned!

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Posted by on 02/22/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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