Tag Archives: Acapulco

Seven people killed in Guerrero

ACAPULCO, The Attorney General of Guerrero is investigating the murder of seven people that happened in the bar of the Hotel Las Vegas, in Ciudad Altamirano, region of Tierra Caliente.

Seven People killed in mass shooting rampage

Seven People killed in mass shooting rampage

The ministry said that among those killed were three elements of the federal police and four civilians, while two other officers were wounded in the attack.

According to the preliminary MIN/SC/03/114/2013, civilians are victimized Ángel Martínez Castillo, Enrique Palacios Duenas, Jesus Alejandro Mariano Galarza Juanche and Anuar Santamaría.

Meanwhile, the federal agents are Ludwin Lopez Casanova, Hector Jose Escribano Escribano and Benito White Velázquez, who were stationed in Coyuca de Catalan.

According to preliminary investigations, a group of gunmen arrived and started setting a shoot straight to the bar where the officers were.

The office was informed of the facts by the Preventive Police , so ministerial elements moved to the place with the aim of carrying out inquiries and found caps for 7.62X3 caliber and AK-47.

Meanwhile in the Clinic of the Americas, located in Ciudad Altamirano two elements of the Federal Police, and Samuel Nieto Moscosa Alcantara Fernando Aparicio, who were wounded by gunfire in the attack are being attended to.

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Posted by on 03/24/2013 in Crime!, Murder and Executions


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Rape of Tourist in Acapulco

Tourist are not safe in Acapulco!

Español: Área turística del Acapulco Tradicion...

Español: Área turística del Acapulco Tradicional o Náutico en Acapulco, Guerrero, México. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The coordinator of the PRD senators, Miguel Barbosa, said the violation of six Spanish tourists last week in Acapulco, Guerrero, requires three levels of government to exhaust all lines of investigation.

The legislature also highlighted problem in capturing those responsible, otherwise will challenge the actions of the authorities and law enforcement in Mexico.

This unfortunate event will not be solved with the demarcation of powers or responsibilities, with dramatic unfortunate statements or requests federal support, but through actions and coordinated strategies between the fields of government, he said.

Guerrero is one of the entities facing enormous complexities and obstacles, “precisely because of that situation, Guerrero citizens opted for a change and elected people with the ability, experience and strength to meet their demands,” he said.

“That trust can not be disappointed,” he said and warned that these unfortunate events in Acapulco can generate economic damage by the withdrawal of Spanish and European tourism in the Mexican resorts.

This, he added, is serious because right now the federal government and various state governments view tourism as a sector of the economy to trigger the development and promotion of the best tourist destinations is to ensure safety for visitors.

“We can not resign ourselves to that insecurity prevents citizens from around the world visit us because we can not guarantee the minimum required security,” he said in a statement.

Barbosa Huerta felt to do justice in this case and that “violations must not go unpunished, otherwise, the ability of the authorities will be compromised and with it, the entire administration of justice in our country.”

The Institute also president Belisario Dominguez said that Mexico has to show its capacity for research and application of justice, so sued the federal, state and municipal spare no resources to clarify the facts.

It is necessary, he insisted, provide care for the victims and their companions, make capturing their attackers and then take actions and decisions so that crimes of this nature resubmitted against any foreign or domestic tourists.

“Events like those that occurred in Acapulco should be the reason for the three levels of government have coordinated actions, innovative and above all, sensitivity to the victims,” ​​he said.

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Posted by on 02/11/2013 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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New Alliance leader slain in Alcapulco early on Wednesday morning

In the early hours of Wednesday, was killed by two bullets to the Costera Miguel Aleman, Miguel Angel Torres Gutiérrez

New Alliance leader killed with two bullets to the head

New Alliance leader killed with two bullets to the head

ACAPULCO, In the early hours of Wednesday morning, the Costera Miguel Aleman, the municipal leader of the New Alliance Party (Honeycomb) in Acapulco, Miguel Angel Torres Gutiérrez was killed with two bullets to the head.

According to the police report, the incident occurred on the main tourist strip, ten minutes after 12 o’clock at night.

The political leader was getting into his vehicle when a man approached him from behind and shot him twice in the head, and then fled.

To have the report of the facts, federal public safety officials, state and municipal cordoned off the area and covered the car with the body inside political leader.

Miguel Angel Torres was manager of the travel agency “Omega”, located in the Twin Towers condominium, which is located on Avenida Miguel Alemán, in the Golden Zone of Acapulco.

The political leader assumed the leadership of New Partnership in Acapulco, in September 2008, in the last municipal elections, in which the mayor was renewed. 

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Posted by on 12/06/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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more than 40 people died in the country over the Week-end

MEXICO CITY, So far this weekend, more than 40 people died in the country victims of various acts of violence in several states of the Republic.


More than 44 people killed over the week-end in violence in resorts in Mexico

One of the towns hardest hit was the resort city of Acapulco, Guerrero, where at least 12 people have died in the last hours in different parts of the coast.

Local authorities reported that last night 10 men and two women were killed in several colonies on the periphery of the port.

A couple was killed  but so far the reasons are unknown and four men died in two other events also unclear.

Three other bodies that have not been identified, were found last night in a taxi, while this morning there was a shooting at a taco stand where two men and one woman died.

The local and federal authorities conducted a joint operation of security in tourist areas of Acapulco, while the municipal charge of the periphery that is where bands occasionally face of organized crime.

In the state of Coahuila, six people were killed in three separate events in the city of Torreon, reported the Attorney General of the State.

Four individuals died from wounds caused by firearms: one inside a home, two on the outside and another appeared lying on a nearby street.

In another development, the body of a woman appeared with a gunshot wound in the neck inside a home while in the third event in a cemetery was found beaten body of another man.

In the state of Morelos were found the bodies of two men inside a car with several gunshot wounds, according to the Attorney General’s Office said in a statement.

Furthermore, the capital of the northern state of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, yesterday afternoon a man and a woman died when they were shot after a chase, according to the State Investigation Agency (IEA).

These 22 people are added to the other 22 reported yesterday so this weekend now total at least 44 patients died from the violence being experienced by the country, which has already caused more than 50 000 deaths in the last six years.

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Posted by on 08/20/2012 in Crime Watch, Crime!


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Ten people are killed in different incidents in Guerrero

Despite police surveillance and Security Operations Warrior, at least 10 people were killed overnight and during Saturday in various violent incidents in the port of Acapulco.

Ten people are killed in different incidents in Guerrero
Ten people are killed in different incidents in Guerrero

First about 4:30 am in the crosses, which is at the entrance to the city coming from Mexico City, Federal Police chased a yellow cab which left one person dead, all though the authorities attempted to stop the taxi he never stopped, which led to a chase that ended when the driver was hit by bullets and he was detained.

At the scene the prosecutor was presented with initial information and ordered the transfer of the deceased to SEMEFO.

Nearby, in the colony crosses the Police were called at 7 am to the street of Allende where a man and woman’s dead bodies were located when the police arrived. The bodies of the man and a woman were between 25 and 30 years of age, apparently killed by gunshots.

Almost at the same time, on a roadside in federal Acapulco-Chilpancingo a compact car white Nissan Tsuru was found with the bodies of four men who apparently were hanged with barbed wire.

Another man, was being transported in a van and apparently tried to escape, so his captors opened fire on him at the scene and the officers found four shell casings of 45 caliber and 9 mm in the cruiser on Cayaco road at about 9 am.

Later, about two o’clock, the head of a man was found in Vicente Guerrero Boulevard, a busy avenue at the entrance of the city, the head corresponds to a person of dark complexion, short hair, straight, beside the body was found a backpack, whose contents are unknown.

Finally around 5 pm, at the top of Acapulco in the southern colony Revolution was found under stones, the body of a man half-buried, the body was found toward the hill, about a mile from where the end houses, the place came forensic experts who initiated rescue efforts, according to experts the body had a few hours of being buried on site.

The bodies of all these people were taken to SEMEFO of Acapulco and the places where people were killed attended by prosecutors to testify to the facts and order the transfer of bodies.

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Posted by on 06/03/2012 in Crime!


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Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco over the weekend

For more than a year the group The Sweeper an Independent Acapulco Cartel has been in a battle for control of the square


Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco

Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco

CHILPANCINGO– At least ten people were killed in various violent acts in the last few hours in the resort city of Acapulco, Guerrero. Sources state that the Attorney reported that last night and until noon today we found the bodies of 9 men and women in different parts of Acapulco. 

The body of the woman was found earlier today around 2:00 AM local time on a road near this city. Authorities say she was approximately 20 years old, but her identity is unknown.

Two more dismembered bodies were found this morning also by the Municipal Police of Acapulco.  The report noted that they were found in Colonia La Maquina de Acapulco and the two heads and limbs of the dead were lying on the ground . 

On Saturday morning in the same colony two men were shot and killed near a basketball court. The other five bodies were found with gunshot wounds in different parts of the resort the city. 

For more than a year the group called The Sweeper and Independent Acapulco Cartel (CIDA) are in a battle for control of drug sales in the square. Both groups belonged to drug lord Edgar Valdez Villarreal, was arrested by Mexican authorities in 2010. 

The governor Angel Aguirre Rivero maintains that a major operation with police forces and federal police in all areas normally attends national and international tourism, but in the periphery of the population is constantly demanding more security.

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Posted by on 05/28/2012 in Crime!


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ACAPULCO, Guerrero, Cell leader and 12 employees of The Sweeper Captured

ACAPULCO, Guerrero, Cell leader and 12 employees of The Sweeper Captured

These people and two vehicles, two AK47 rifles, a shotgun, two pistols, 72 cartridges of various calibers, 155 bags of marijuana, 40 bags of cocaine

This past Saturday in Acapulco a cell leader and twelve of his associates were arrested, alleged members of the criminal organizationThe Sweeperthe likely perpetrators of crimes against health, illegal deprivation of liberty in the form kidnapping, murder, illegal possession of firearms, extortion, organized crime and vehicle theft.

Those arrested as part of “Operation Safe Guerrero on Saturday May 5, corresponded to the names of Jesus Ricardo Tapia Lopez de Sinaloa El Chuy , 30, Hector Reynoso Carlos Mercado El Muerto , 49, Esteban Jaimes Hernandez El Pelon , 30; Mari Paz Cervantes Sandoval La Guera , 34, Angel Macias Ruiz The Chava , 27, Jose Alberto Hernandez Campos Beto , 28, Ramiro Palacios Astudillo ‘s Candy , 48 years old.

Also arrested were Griselda Perez Rodriguez The Gray , 20, Juan Jose Campos Hernandez, 24, Joshua Ojendis Alarcón The Breast of 20, Victor Aviles Daniel Viviano The Fool of 21, Francisco Javier Ramírez Moreno ‘s Barbecue , 35 and Oscar Emilio El Pelon , a minor.

These people and two vehicles, two AK47 rifles, a shotgun, two pistols, 72 cartridges of various calibers, 155 bags of marijuana, 40 bags of cocaine and 14 communication devices of different brands, models and companies, were seized together with the detainees were presented to the appropriate authority.

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Posted by on 05/07/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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