20 Jan

This story is very familiar in the world. Give this person back her dignity and let them have some comfort in their life.


Imagemyself Charlene and sons  Alexander & Vincent 001 - Copy

I paid Richard Fourte and Belivia Morgan $900.00 dollars to move to 8921 N 91st street Unit B in Milwaukee WI and I paid the people $600.00 every month to be in that unit I paid them our money and I gave it to them people and I was not a day late and I was not a dollar short and I did not give them no kind of excuses, even when I did not get no hot water from them during the time from July 2000 to Mid November 2000 and I still paid Richard Fourte and Belivia Morgan the money for the Rent and I did not complaint against them I did not do that and all the people did was treat me and my children like trash and some people did throw bloody chicken bones under my door and windows and I was still paying them the…

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Posted by on 01/20/2013 in Crime!


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