Law to Combat Crimes against Women require mandatory 40-60 year jail term

14 Jun
Law to Combat Crimes against Women require mandatory 40-60 year jail term

The amendment requires the Attorney General’s Office to train nationwide to prosecutors and specialize them so they know to distinguish the cases

From now on anyone who commits the crime of femicide will receive a jail term of 40-60 years, which is already incorporated in the Federal Criminal Code and was announced by President Felipe Calderon in enacting the amendments to the Law to Combat Crimes against Women.

During the event held in Los Pinos, the President announced that the reform law requires the Attorney General’s Office to train nationwide to prosecutors and specialize them so they know to distinguish the cases of femicide.

He noted that another major reform of this law is that in addition to punishing the perpetrators of sexual harassment and abuse, an offense which a subordinate away his head to avoid being accused of sexually abusing her.

Also issued in Los Pinos, the General Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Trafficking and from this day all government ministries in the country are required by law to act on its own after being informed that a woman, man or child a victim of trafficking.

In announcing the new law, the president announced that in Mexico there are thousands of women against their will are forced into prostitution, begging or working without pay, by their traffickers, who deprived them of freedom.

The new law, he said, requires three levels of government, federal, state and municipalities to work together to rescue those who are victims of this crime. He said that behind many nightclubs “there is this which is one of the worst forms of slavery … the Mexican state cannot remain silent about this, the decrees promulgated today respond to that.”

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Posted by on 06/14/2012 in Abused Women, Crime!


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