Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco over the weekend

28 May

For more than a year the group The Sweeper an Independent Acapulco Cartel has been in a battle for control of the square


Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco

Ten people Executed in the port of Acapulco

CHILPANCINGO– At least ten people were killed in various violent acts in the last few hours in the resort city of Acapulco, Guerrero. Sources state that the Attorney reported that last night and until noon today we found the bodies of 9 men and women in different parts of Acapulco. 

The body of the woman was found earlier today around 2:00 AM local time on a road near this city. Authorities say she was approximately 20 years old, but her identity is unknown.

Two more dismembered bodies were found this morning also by the Municipal Police of Acapulco.  The report noted that they were found in Colonia La Maquina de Acapulco and the two heads and limbs of the dead were lying on the ground . 

On Saturday morning in the same colony two men were shot and killed near a basketball court. The other five bodies were found with gunshot wounds in different parts of the resort the city. 

For more than a year the group called The Sweeper and Independent Acapulco Cartel (CIDA) are in a battle for control of drug sales in the square. Both groups belonged to drug lord Edgar Valdez Villarreal, was arrested by Mexican authorities in 2010. 

The governor Angel Aguirre Rivero maintains that a major operation with police forces and federal police in all areas normally attends national and international tourism, but in the periphery of the population is constantly demanding more security.

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