Tultitlan- Alleged dealer of the Family arrested by the SSC

22 Apr

Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC

“The Teak” was identified as responsible for the sale and distribution of drugs in the town of Tultitlan, SCC seized an assault rifle and a submachine gun

Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC
Alleged dealer of the Family; arrested by the SSC


Salvador Neme Sastré, head of the Department of Public Safety (SSC) of the State of Mexico, announced in his account Twitter @ NemeSSC information on the arrest of Juan Luis “N” “N”, aka “Teak” 21 years of age and alleged drug dealer of the criminal organizationLa Familia Michoacana . “

“There is a 21-year old detainee nicknamed” Teak “who claims to work for # LaFamilia and distributes drugs in the region,” said Neme Sastré.

In a statement, the agency reported that the subject was logged in a home located in the Barrio Nativitas Tultitlán municipality where SCC seized an assault rifle and a AR-15 submachine gun 9 mm, two magazines and 66 cartridges of both types gauge, plus 39 envelopes containing marijuana.

The suspect was identified as a member of the criminal organization to monitor who conducted the sale and distribution of drugs in the region.

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Posted by on 04/22/2012 in Crime!, Mexican Drug Cartels


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